Alyce McCormick died on January 7, 1932, in Hollywood, California, USA of pneumonia.
Alyce Faye Eichelberger's birth name is Alyce Faye McBride.
Old enough to know better.
Parker McCormick's birth name is Parker Worthington McCormick.
Alyce McCormick was born on January 13, 1904, in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Alyce McCormick died on January 7, 1932, in Hollywood, California, USA of pneumonia.
Jasmine Alyce is 5' 7".
Alyce Wittenstein is 5' 8".
Alyce McCormick has: Played Alice Cravel in "The Terrible People" in 1928. Played Bessie in "Mother Knows Best" in 1928. Played Ann Hodge in "Reno" in 1930. Performed in "Honk Your Horn" in 1930. Played Girl in "Men on Call" in 1930. Performed in "The Foolish Forties" in 1931.
Cat McCormick is 5' 8".
Edwin McCormick is 6' 1".
Kathryn McCormick is 5' 5".
Kerry McCormick is 5' 5".
Shiloh McCormick is 5' 7".
Cassandra McCormick is 5' 5 1/2".
Trisha McCormick is 5' 5 1/2".