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I assume you are Canadian. I am as well, and I am a Broker. First of all, it's dependant upon if the accident was At Fault, so rates may not change. If you are at fault, no matter if you are dropped thereafter, there will still be a price hike. If it's not at fault, generally the rate should stay the same. Rates may double in the case of at fault, dependant on company. Being a G2 driver already means premiums will increase the parents' policy. If you are in an at fault accident, this will further raise the cost. If you were not at fault, the premiums should NOT increase.

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Q: What will a G2 driver on their parents insurance have to pay in insurance rates if they get in an accident?
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If an accident is not your fault will it affect your insurance rates?

Shouldn't do provided other driver is identified.

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Yes, the general idea of insurance is that your rates go up when you cause an accident and they are forced to pay out.

Will your insurance premium go up if you are not at fault in Michigan?

Usually if an accident is determined not to be the insured's fault, then their insurance rates will not rise as the insurance company did not lose any money from covering the driver involved in the accident. If the accident is determined as being inconclusive, the rates may rise some, to adjust for the amount of money the insurance company lost in the accident.

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Your rates shouldn't be affected, as long as he wasn't in an accident in your car.

When driving with a learner's permit and involved in an accident whose record does the accident go on?

The actual driver. Unfortunately, if the driver is your kid, and you're adding your kid to your insurance policy, it could affect your rates.

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Most likely yes.. but your rates are going up, and the driver will be cited.

What kind of car insurance will I get if I am a new driver in Texas?

You will need to get a coverage that you can afford but at the same time will pay for the accident, because according to Texas state law, the driver responsible for the accident will have to pay for the accident. Insurance is a must have and you should compare the rates from multiple companies and get the one with better coverage.

Are auto insurance companies in Canada allowed to raise rates because of an accident?

Yes they are, and the majority of time that is when they will raise rates, especially when you are at fault. If you were at-fault for the accident and had to make a insurance claim, then your rates will definitely increase, since you are a higher risk driver, and the insurance company had to pay out because of you. If you are in an accident that you were not at fault, then your rates should not increase but they might. Some companies again see this as you being a higher risk driver since you were in a accident, even if it wasn't your fault, so they will raise the rates. If this happens, I recommend switching insurance companies, as a good company should not do this. In either case your rates will not increase until your insurance is up for renewal. At which point, if they do increase I would recommend looking around and comparing prices from other companies

How much do auto insurance rates increase from an accident?

After an automobile accident the automobile insurance carrier will usually raise the rates of the liability 7-10% depending on the severity of the accident.

Where can I get accident prone driver car insurance?

One of the best car insurance agencies for someone who has got into a lot of accidents would be State Farm and they usually have good rates.

What is the best car insurance rate?

This is a very subjective question. The answer depends largely on a number of different and varying items. For example, age of driver, type of vehicle, and prior accident history all affect insurance rates. Also, the insurance provider itself influences insurance rates.