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Yes, the general idea of insurance is that your rates go up when you cause an accident and they are forced to pay out.

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Q: If you was on your dads insurance as a named driver does in affect their premium if you have an accident?
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If I get a traffic violations does it affect someones insurance?

It can affect: 1. Your insurance premium (for your own vehicle, or your parents vehicle if you are on their policy. 2. Your employers insurance premium (if you drive for work) It will NOT affect: 1. Your friend's premium, unless you are scheduled as a driver on the policy

Would the insurance premium of the car owner increase if he was not the actual driver at the time of an accident?

If a claim is made against his insurance...yes.

If an accident is not your fault will it affect your insurance rates?

Shouldn't do provided other driver is identified.

How does the insurance company of a licensed driver look at an accident where the driver they covered is at fault in an accident where the driver not at fault has a suspended license will the insuranc?

It does not matter to an insurance company that the other driver had a suspended license. Liability is determined by the factors of the accident and the evidence put forth. The fact that the other driver had no license does not affect liability or the handling of the claim.

Will your insurance premium go up if you are not at fault in Michigan?

Usually if an accident is determined not to be the insured's fault, then their insurance rates will not rise as the insurance company did not lose any money from covering the driver involved in the accident. If the accident is determined as being inconclusive, the rates may rise some, to adjust for the amount of money the insurance company lost in the accident.

What can you do if you were ticketed in an accident and found not guilty in court but your insurance company had already paid the other driver's claim and increased your premium?

You will need to open a consumer complaint with ChoicePoint and get the accident fault indicator changed to N.A.F.(not at fault) on your CLUE report. Then notify your Insurance company after your CLUE report is corrected. Then the company will remove the premium impact of an "at fault" accident.

When driving with a learner's permit and involved in an accident whose record does the accident go on?

The actual driver. Unfortunately, if the driver is your kid, and you're adding your kid to your insurance policy, it could affect your rates.

Your adult daughter has auto insurance and is gifting you her car you have a car and insurance She lives with you Do you have to put her on your insurance policy?

As long as she has her own policy on her own, it would not affect your insurance in the sense of premium or the need to have her insured on your policy. However, most auto insurance company want to have her listed as a driver in the household since she lives with you. The policy actually follow the vehicle and not the driver. If she was to drive this vehicle and get into an accident, your policy would be the primary and her policy would be secondary.

Can an accident claim be filed with your insurance and the other's driver's insurance for the same accident?

yes yes

Is unlicensed driver in accident able to get insurance?

Driver's licensure is a condition of getting auto insurance.

What happens if an uninsured unlicensed driver is driving your insured car and has an accident?

If you have Auto liability Insurance and you gave this person perrmission to drive, The Insurer will probably have to pay the bill for the accident. The company will then probably have to promptly cancel your insurance coverage for allowing an unsinsured unlicensed driver to operate your vehicle. Your next Auto Insurance Policy premium will take into account your claims history and charge accordingly.

Would the insurance increase if the driver has an accident with learners permit?

It is possible that the insurance rate would go up if a permitted driver has an accident. Usually, raising insurance rates is not an individual decision.