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I would let your insurance company know. They can remove them from the policy. That might help lower your rates. Sorry for your lost.

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Q: What to do with car insurance policy if spouse dies?
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Can your daughter be on your car insurance if you are not cosigner on her car loan?

Yes: Your spouse/children can be included on your insurance policy regardless of who was/if there was a cosigner on the car.

Can a spouse remove his own name from car insurance during divorce saddling other spouse with the policy for son's car?

spouse did not know name was on policy or that the other name was removed without knowledge

Can some one add their car to your car insurance policy with out your consent?

No, Not legally unless it's your spouse.

Do you need to include your non driving unlicensed spouse to your car insurance?

If your spouse has no drivers license and does not drive, then no, you don't have to include them on your auto insurance policy. Actually, they have to have a drivers license before they can be added to the policy.

Are you legally required to include your spouse on the auto insurance policy if you own the car yourself? But, for insurance purposes, yes.

If a spouse dies in a motor accident can you claim of your car insurance?

Yes. But get some help for this. A lawyer or knowledgable friend.

Can you continue to insure your married son on your car insurance policy?

Usually the insurance company will want him and his spouse to have their own insurance policy as they should have. If there is some reason for him to be on your policy like the car is still in your name they will probably let you do it. Make sure he is listed as a driver, his spouse is listed as a driver, and anyone else that should be listed is on the policy. If the car is in his name and he does not live with you do not put it on your insurance as there may not be any coverage is a claim happens. Make sure the insurance company know the whole truth about the situation.

Can a spouse authorize a change to or agree to have a new car insurance policy issued only if they are listed as a driver on the present policy?

Yes because they are a member of the household and the spouse and the named insured have the same rights.

Can people get car insurance if a spouse's license is suspended?

Yes, You can still get auto Insurance on your own.. It is common for people to exclude an unlicensed spouse from from coverage on their Auto insurance Policy. This way you don't get penalized for your spouses driving record.

How do you find out if insurance will pay the car off if your spouse dies?

It is unlikely that a car loan has death benefits stipulations included. The best option is to contact the insurer and the lender ask about the terms of the loan agreement and the insurance policy. Or simply read the original agreement made with the lender and your auto insurance policy. Actually, it's not at all unusual for a car loan to have Credit Life and Disability attached. The lenders make a lot of money on these policies and I have never gotten a loan where this was not offered.

If your husband dies and you are a named driver on his comprehensive car policy are you covered to drive his car after his death?

In the UK no. The main policyholder has to be living for the insurance to be valid. Check with your insurance provider for clarification

Can you drive a car which has no insurance policy but you have a insurance policy on another car?

Depends on the state and your insurance policy. call your local agent.