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If your spouse has no drivers license and does not drive, then no, you don't have to include them on your auto insurance policy. Actually, they have to have a drivers license before they can be added to the policy.

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Q: Do you need to include your non driving unlicensed spouse to your car insurance?
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Can people get car insurance if a spouse's license is suspended?

Yes, You can still get auto Insurance on your own.. It is common for people to exclude an unlicensed spouse from from coverage on their Auto insurance Policy. This way you don't get penalized for your spouses driving record.

Can you exclude your spouse from your auto insurance in Ohio if their license is suspended?

You can definitely exclude your spouse from your auto insurance. They shouldn't be driving if their license is suspended so they don't need insurance.

How do you add a common-law spouse to your car insurance in Ontario?

That's simple. Just tell your insurance agent that they will be driving the car. However, know this. Your spouse's driving record will directly affect your insurance premiums regardless of whether or not they will EVER be driving your car. Not fair but completely legal in Ontario.

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Are you legally required to include your spouse on the auto insurance policy if you own the car yourself? But, for insurance purposes, yes.

How do you cancel car insurance on a car that you own and insured that your spouse is driving in another state?

As long as the insurance is in your name only you just call the insurance companyBUTThis may be illegal unless the person driving the vehicle knows and agrees

If spouse has bad driving record in Michigan but the other has good driving record how much will rates be for state of Michigan?

There are too many variables to be able to give you an estimate. It depends on the car, what type of insurance you need, and how much insurance. For an accurate price contact an insurance company.

Can a claim on your dead husbands estate also include life insurance to spouse?

If the life insurance policy had listed as the beneficiary the spouse only then it is not considered part of the estate and is not subject to claims. If the beneficiary is the estate then it is subject to claims. The only problem with the spouse being the only beneficiary is if she was a party to the claims personally then perhaps she and the proceeds from the life insurance could be subject to these claims.

Can you exclude your spouse from auto insurance coverage without their knowledge?

Not usually. With most companies the spouse will be required to sign the exclusion. I always recommend my clients against excluding people from their insurance policies. An exclusion takes away all coverages on a policy if the excluded person is driving not matter what the circumstance. Back to you original question, it is up to the insurance company whether or not the spouse must sign to be excluded.

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If you have insurance with your employer and your spouse has insurance on you also which insurance is the primary?

If both you and your spouse have full medical coverage then the insurance compnay will revert back to your and your spouse's date of birth. Whoever's birthdate is first in a calendar year, then that is the primary insurance. For example, if your birthday is November 1, but your spouse's birthday is February 12, then your spouses insurance is primary for both of you.

How do you add a spouse to your life insurance?

Your spouse can get a separate policy (usually cheaper) or you can contact your insurance company to get the right paperwork for adding your spouse. Adding your spouse as a beneficiary, your agent can help.