Usually the insurance company will want him and his spouse to have their own insurance policy as they should have. If there is some reason for him to be on your policy like the car is still in your name they will probably let you do it. Make sure he is listed as a driver, his spouse is listed as a driver, and anyone else that should be listed is on the policy. If the car is in his name and he does not live with you do not put it on your insurance as there may not be any coverage is a claim happens. Make sure the insurance company know the whole truth about the situation.
You can insure a Baldwin Organ if it holds value to your home in your home insurance policy. You have to make sure that the policy covers not only that, but other valuables within your home.
Your insurance policy will insure you in case of a physical loss, such as a theft or a fire.
You can insure your electronics by purchasing a specific electronics insurance policy or by adding them to your existing homeowner's or renter's insurance policy as a rider. This will protect your electronics from damage, theft, or other unforeseen events.
ensure is to make sure or guarantee something. insure is to to issue or procure an insurance policy on or for something
No. You can't insure a vehicle that you do not own. You must have an insurable interest in a vehicle in order to insure it.
Most insurance companies will insure a person with diabetes as long is it is disclosed at the time the policy is purchased. Some companies that offer this type of policy are BMO Guaranteed Life, Insure Direct, and Hunter Gregory.
I believe that you are asking if you can insure a vehicle that you don't own. The answer to this question is no. The only exceptions are for married couples who can put vehicles owned by either one of them on the policy.
Answer:As long as you have the owners name on the insurance as owner you can insure it under your own policy
Generally the insurance company who was the company for the deceased will continue to be the insurance company for the estate of the insured as long as the administrator is honest with the agent and lists any and all possible drivers on the policy if they might be driving the vehicle.
Insurance companies will be happy to insure as many cars as you want, as long as you are willing to pay the insurance premium.
No. By law only 1 policy is allowed per vehicle.
ABSOLUTELY NOT. You cannot insure a vehicle that you do not own on your insurance policy no matter what kind of coverage you have. Your insurance policy will not pay anything even if you have added the vehicle on your policy without their knowledge.