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In the UK no. The main policyholder has to be living for the insurance to be valid. Check with your insurance provider for clarification

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Q: If your husband dies and you are a named driver on his comprehensive car policy are you covered to drive his car after his death?
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You are insured as a second driver if you have an accident will you be covered?

As long as you are listed as a driver on the policy and an accident occurs in a covered vehicle, then yes you will be covered under the terms and conditions of the policy just as any other driver on the policy.

Does insurance cover a minor driver who is not on your policy?

If they are not on your policy then they are not covered.

Is my husband covered if auto and auto insurance are in my name?

Your husband must be on your policy to be covered. In some States you have to ad your spouse to the policy regardless if they will drive your vehicle or not.

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If your driver's license expires will you still be covered under your auto insurance policy?

Is the driver covered under the scheduled autos?

If the driver is listed as driver under the primary insureds policy or is driver with permission from the owner of the policy Yes it's covered.The Scheduled Autos or symbol 7 is used to specify that only the autos scheduled on the policy are covered.

If i drive my moms car and i live with her but im not on the policy and i get in an accident is the car covered?

If you are a licensed driver but not listed on the policy the vehicle will not be covered. If you are not licensed it will be covered.

On my homeowners policy under what do you look to see if my husband is covered while out of work because of cancer is it compReHensive liabiLIty or something else he is the primary poliCy owner help?

I m sorry to say the name insured on a homeowners policy is not usually covered if you husband is out of work due to cancer, you really should check about getting disability from social security. they will normally cover you if he is going to be out of work for at least 6 months or more.

If your daughter has full coverage on her car and loans it to you is the car covered should an accident occur while you are driving it?

It depends, if the policy is a named driver policy and you are not listed as a driver then no you are not covered.

Does a teenage driver have to be listed as the primary driver of one of the vehicles on the policy to be covered?

No. If he is listed at all, then he is covered. If he IS the primary driver of a vehicle, then he should be listed as such.

If you are drivng another persons car with permission and have no insurance but the car you are driving is insured will the car insurance pay to get the car fixed since you were at fault?

This is different from policy to policy. You need to check the owner's policy to see what is covered. If the owner didn't pay for such coverage, then the damage is not covered. Provided the owner is paying for comprehensive and collision coverage the damage will will be covered, subject to a deductible, as long as the driver is not excluded from coverage.

Are employees covered under the auto insurance policy of a business?

As long as the business has the driver listed as a driver/employee of the automobile, they should be covered.

Are you covered by your parent's auto insurance in their car if you no longer live at home?

if you are listed as a driver on their policy, you are covered