Several things can happen: If there are injuries or deaths, possible jail time. If incident is rather minor, one year driver license suspension. * The traffic charges will depend upon the accident itself. If the state has mandatory insurance coverage the person's driving privileges may be at risk. The "At Fault" driver is still responsible for all damages and can (probably will be sued) by the other party and his or her insurance provider.
Yes, If the accident was your fault, then it is your fault. Whether or not they have insurance has nothing to do with who's at fault, or who actually caused the accident.
When this happens, your Insurance company pays for damages. If the accident is your fault, your insurance rates can go up.
Usually if an accident is determined not to be the insured's fault, then their insurance rates will not rise as the insurance company did not lose any money from covering the driver involved in the accident. If the accident is determined as being inconclusive, the rates may rise some, to adjust for the amount of money the insurance company lost in the accident.
He may be at fault for not having insurance. He may or may not be at fault for the accident. Whether or not a driver carries insurance is a separate issue than the one concerning who is at fault in an accident. Do not confuse them or let them overlap. A good, objective assessor won't.
Who is at fault has to do with the accident itself not the insurance coverage. A police report of the accident and looking at the proximate cause of the accident help determine fault.
It depends on what type of insurance policy you have. Some states have the "no-fault" insurance policies wherein the insured party may be compensated regardless of who is at fault in the accident.
Liability insurance financially protects a driver who is not a fault in an accident by paying for damages. It will protect the driver who is at fault from being sued for damages.
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No. If the accident was your fault, you can not get money from the other person's car insurance.
Not if it is deemed to be 100% the other drivers fault and they have insurance.
You need car insurance to protect yourself in the case of an accident. Insurance will pay for the medical bills related to your recovery and will also protect you from being sued if you are at fault for the accident.