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Who is At Fault has to do with the accident itself not the insurance coverage. A police report of the accident and looking at the proximate cause of the accident help determine fault.

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Q: Someone hit you an Neither I or other driver has insurance on our car who is at fault?
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What happens if you have no insurance and the other driver is at fault in South Carolina and the driver at fault does have insurance?

You will be cited for driving without insurance and the other driver being at fault, him and his insurance are still liable for damages.

A car parked on the wrong side of the road pulls out suddenly and hits a motorbike neither driver has a license who is at fault?

Both of you. Legally neither of you should be on public road. As you have no license you cannot claim any insurance. But in a normal situation, it would be the car driver's fault.

What happens if you rear end someone but neither of you has insurance?

The other person can sue you because you are at fault for the accident.

What happens if the driver at fault hits a car and the driver at fault has no insurance will the car that hits you have to pay for your car?

If you have comprehensive insurance, your policy will cover the damages (less a deductable). In this case, your insurance company will sue the at fault driver. You can also sue the at fault driver for damages (if you do not have comprehensive).

What insurance covers the driver who is at fault?

Assuming that the at-fault driver maintained it at the time of the collision, his/her auto liability coverage would be triggered.

Can an insurance company get money from an uninsured driver who was at fault?

They can pursue him civilly, and the not at fault driver can also sue for damages.

Is a driver with no insurance at fault in an accident?

He may be at fault for not having insurance. He may or may not be at fault for the accident. Whether or not a driver carries insurance is a separate issue than the one concerning who is at fault in an accident. Do not confuse them or let them overlap. A good, objective assessor won't.

If you had an accident that was your fault you have uninsured motorist coverage the other driver was uninsured do you have to pay all the costs?

The at fault driver is responsible regardless of who has or does not have insurance. You were at fault, you get the bill. Fortunately though you have insurance. So they get the bill.

What happens if someone crashes into you and you have no insurance even if it is their fault?

USAYou're at fault as you're not legal to be on the road. It's the same as if you were driving without a licence but someone hit you, you have no legal right to be on the road so therefore it's immediately your fault.Some other countriesRegardless of whether you have insurance, provided you were driving legally, if it is his fault then quite simply, he is at fault. You just won't be able to claim any insurance for it, and neither will he.

What happens when there is an auto accident and neither driver is at fault?

each contributes 50% to liability or fault.

If you rear end someone stopped in the middle of the road and the driver has no liCENSE or insurance are you STILL AT FAULT?

Yes, you are still at fault. It doesn't matter whether or not they had insurance, you still hit their vehicle and are therefore still responsible for their damages.

If you let someone who has no insurance drive your car and they wreck it can you get sued or what will happen as far as the insurance coverage?

Your coverage should kick in - if it was a matter of fault, you will be in the driver's shoes unfortunately.