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Autogenous refers to something that originates or is produced within an organism or system itself, without external influence. In the context of welding, autogenous welding involves joining two or more pieces of metal without the use of additional filler material.
ADJECTIVE:Produced from within; self-generating.Medicine Originating with the individual to which applied: an autogenous graft; an autogenous vaccine
This succession is called autotrophic autogenous.
feces and tissues collected on the farm
An autogenous weld is one where filler metal is not used for joining. the weld is produced by fusion of the parts by melting. It does not use force to bond the parts, only the heat produced which cause melting of the base materials.
It is a weld made by melting the edges of the materials to be joined, but adding no filler metal to the weld.
The source of an autogenous infection is typically the flora already found within yourself. An example is the bacterial flora that is typically housed in a safe manner in the digestive tract. If introduced to the abdominal cavity due to a rupture of lets say the duodenum, you become extremely ill and possibly die because of the flora you already host.
A heterogeneous weld corresponds to a weld that is realized with a different filler alloy than the base metal. At the opposite, a homogeneous weld is realized with same filler alloy than the base metal. Finally, an autogenous weld is done without filler alloy. The joining is realized by melting only the base metal. A.B.
Semi-Autogenous SAG Mills help reduce the use of energy, because of the new technology used to make the crushing and grinding of ore faster and easier. This new technology eliminates a 2nd and third stage that was needed with traditional mills.
OFW stands for oxygen-fuel welding. This groups together the welding processes that use oxygen and a fuel, such as acetylene or propylene, to heat the base metal to it's melting point. Autogenous welds may be made using this process (meaning without filler metal).
Stephen K. C. Ho has written: 'Effect of bioimplants versus autogenous bone graft for sinus augmentation in a rabbit model'
Do you mean your beads are concave and you would like them convex in appearance while autogenous welding is being done? Without knowing what metal you are welding or seeing the technique used I can only offer generalizations. It could be a lack of sufficient sulfur or improper travel speed. Without more info I'm only guessing.Which isn't good when it comes to welding.