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insurance for some one else's vehicle, yes another person can insure someone's else property, so long as you have an INsurable interest or authorization to do so and the owner is benefited, In other words, The owner also has to be a listed insured on the policy.

If you give the permission to another person. obviously they will have an insurable interest, however, only the legal owner of the property can receive compensation in the event of a covered loss

you can not insure the property of another when no insurable interest exists

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Q: Can someone else insure a car you own?
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Can someone else license and insure a car you own?

YES - registration and insurance are separate from ownership.

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Can you own a vehicle and have someone else insure it?

no government are going to allow it

Can someone own a car but have someone else insure it?

Yes. Many insurance companies will not be willing to insure this type of risk, but you will be able to find a company to do this. The primary concern for most insurance companies is who is the main operator of the vehicle.

Can you register and insure a car that you do not own?

You CAN register a car owned by someone else in some states, but doing so can lead to many problems if the driver gets into trouble and you are registered to the car. Insuring a car you do not own can also lead to problems but many more people do it. (e.g., if your dad is lending you his car and he says that you have to insure it.)

Can an unlicensed driver buy a car and get insurance for it?

I have known people to buy vehicle without a driver's license, but I don't believe you can insure it. You probably could get storage insurance, or maybe insure it with someone else as a primary driver. But most likely the insurance will have to be purchased by someone else. im an auto insurance agent.... in some states, you may insure your car even if you dont have a valid driver license. you may also buy your own car in some dealerships. you just gotta look for them...

Can you insure someone else's car that doesn't have insurance on it?

Again, you cannot legally insure a vehicle that does not belong to you. The insurance policy and application make up a legally binding contract and state that you must own the vehicle in order to participate in the contract of insurance on the vehicle.

Can you insure someone else's car?

No. In India, it is not possible to insure someone else's car. The reason being, the Registration Certificate or car documents should match with the name mentioned in the car insurance policy. Thus, both the documents should be in the same person's name. If the mismatch happens, it would be considered a punishable offense.

Can you insure a car that you don't own?

No. You cannot insure a vehicle that you do not own. The exception would be in a family situation where two spouses own two vehicles and insure them on one policy.

Can I insure a car in my name that I don't own?

Of course not

Can someone else insure your car even if they do not live at the same address?

You cannot insure something you do not own and the address has nothing to do with it. The insured on the insurance policy must also be the owner of the vehicle. An insurance application and policy make up a legal contract. The contract states that you must own the vehicle insured. Lets use your example where someone else insures your vehicle. If the vehicle is damage in an accident, the insurance company cannot pay damages to the person listed on the insurance policy because they don't own the car. The also cannot pay you because you don't have a contract with them for insurance.

Can you insure a car on a fleet Insurance policy even though you don't own it?

No. You can't insure a vehicle that you do not own. You must have an insurable interest in a vehicle in order to insure it.