I bought one in December 1995.
hit cancel
I would highly recommend a high efficiency washer and dryer by GE. I personally use this model and have found that it not only meets my needs, but is also economical.
2.7 cu. ft.
Most likely, General Electric will need to repair your washer because they specialize in those washing machines. They made them, so they know how to fix them.
GE front loading washer does not come with a no leak guaruntee.
What year is my GE , TBX18JATHRWH, Ser. DL560294 ?
How do i unlock an GE heavy duty washer mashine after
The GE washer filter should be cleaned every 3 to 6 months to maintain optimal performance.
If you need your ge washer repaired you should check to see that everything is connected properly to the washer and then call a repair man, or plumber to ask his advise.
check the lid switch it is under the top of the washer and is usually activated by a pin attached to the lid of the washer