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If your car or vehicle has a broken tire belt you need to replace it. This broken item can cause a very bad accident.

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Q: What can be done about a broken tire belt?
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How to fix a broken belt on my tire?

Buy a new tire.

What causes a broken tire belt?

A broken belt in your tire can be caused by several different things. The most common cause is hitting a pothole or a solid object in the roadway.

How do you know if a tire is bad or broke belt?

A broken belt is bad - If it sways from side to side each rotation it's broken a belt. If a tire behaves oddly in any way you should change it.

How dangerous is a broken tire belt?

It is very dangerous to drive a vehicle with a broken tire belt. A tire belt is used to reinforce the area under the tread. They provide puncture resistance and help the tire stay flat so that it can make the best contact with the road. When a belt breaks the tire becomes out of round which causes steering wheel shimmy, vibration, and in the worst case scenario, tread separation from the tire. All 3 examples can cause you to lose control of your vehicle. If the tire belt is broken the tire needs to be replaced as soon as possible.

How can you tell if tire has a broken belt?

The car will lurch side to side at low speed. The tire may have a visible distortion. The belt might stick out of the tire.

How do you fix a tire cable?

That cannot be done. If broken, the tire is useless.

Can a broken tire belt cause tire rupture?

yes.... and Iam the president of the United States of america

Is a tire bad if there are threads coming out of the sidewall?

Yes this means the steel belt has broken inside the tire.

What would cause a thumping in left tire but gets worse when turning to the right?

A broken tire belt or bubble.

Could a broken tire belt cause my car to vibrate after a accident?


What can couse shakeing in your tire?

Tire out of balance, broken belt in tire, bent wheel, suspension wear, or possible bad wheel bearing.

What if your tire belt brakes?

Buy new tire. Period. There is no way to repair a broken belt on a tire; given the manufacturing process of today's tires. The only factor to consider is the age of the tire (check the D.O.T. on the sidewall) to determine if tire may be defective.....