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If you are under a medical restriction due to a condition or injury then yes, if you drove without meeting the requirements of the physician then you would be considered to be not properly licensed.

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Q: Is auto insurance valid if you drive without doctors permission?
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Can you drive a mans car without permission from his spouse?

I would not drive a man's car if his wife said I couldn't no matter what. Legally, the person who is the policyholder on the insurance and the owner of the vehicle has to give you permission to drive. If you drive it on a regular basis, you must be listed as a driver on the insurance policy. If you drive the car without permission, and have an accident, you will not have coverage under the insurance policy.

Unlicensd teenage friend drove our car without permission and hit a tree. Will insurance cover this?

No way! The insurance certificate specifies who may drive. It will not include unlicensed drivers! Even a licensed driver, but driving without the owner's permission will not be covered by the car owner's insurance.

Can I have Auto insurance without a car?

Ask an insurance company for a "broadform" policy. That will cover you for any car you drive. Yes, although it's rather pointless. Why pay for insurance on something that you don't even have or own ... there is no need. If you drive someone else's car, you are covered under their insurance policy, provided you have their permission to drive it.

Does your premium go up if someone without insurance had permission to drive your car and gets into an accident that was their fault in NJ?

Generally speaking, if your insurance has to pay out, then there probably will be an increase. Good luck.

How do you drive to trade in your car at a dealership without insurance?

If you live in the US, it is illegal to drive without automobile insurance. It is advised NOT to drive without insurance. make them tow it or they can put their dealer plate on and let them drive it

What happens if you wreck someones car who has insurance but you have no license and they are not pressing charges?

If they are not pressing charges, then they are giving you permission to drive their vehicle. If you give someone who doesn't have a drivers license permission to drive your vehicle, you are voiding your insurance coverage. The Insurance company will not pay.

Can your teenage granddaughter drive your car without being insured on her parents insurance?

As long as she has your permission, she can drive the vehicle and she will be covered. If she drives it more than a few times, you should add her to the policy.

If you let somebody else drive your car will he be covered under your insurance?

Yes, if he has your permission to drive the vehicle.

Can I drive without vehicle insurance?

Yes, it is illegal to drive without insurance or without having sufficient insurance in Arizona. You will have 30 days to provide proof of insurance following an accident.

Can a convicted felon on probation drive without insurance in Minnesota?

No. It is not legal for anyone to drive without insurance in Minnesota.

How can I type permission to drive car?

Why would you need to give someone written permission to drive? You would first have to add the person to your insurance as a driver. Giving them written permission doesn't change this requirement.

If you do not have insurance but the car is insured are you okay to drive it if you are not the primary driver?

Insurance follows the car, not the driver. As long as the car is insured and you have permission from the owner to drive it, you are covered.