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In most states it is assumed that the driver with the last opportunity to avoid a collision is At Fault. It is further assumed in most states that the impaired driver, since he was not able to respond properly to the conditions, is at fault by the fact that he/she should not have been on the road in the first place. Never drink or use drugs and drive while under the influence of those substances. Research has indicated that the first drink, just one beer or mixed drink, starts to slow your reaction time, diminish your ability to process multiple events that are happening and impairs your judgment. While that first drink (for most people) does not seem to be enough to make people unsafe drivers, at .08% BAC EVERYONE is significantly impaired. Whether it was the inability to make good decisions while impaired, the slowed reaction time or the inability to process multiple events while driving, the fault is properly on the impaired driver IN ALL CASES! Bottom line is that this question should never have been asked. If you're driving around drunk, and you get into an accident, regardless of why, you're liable due to the fact that you shouldn't be driving around at all, therefore, if you were not driving around, the accident would not have occured.

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Q: Is a DUI driver automatically at fault in an auto accident in Washington state?
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Is an unlicensed driver automatically at fault?

An unlicensed driver will probably get cited for not having a license and may even get their car impounded, but is not automatically at fault. The person that the police and insurance company determine caused the accident would be at fault.

How can you be automatically at fault in automobile accident?

You can automatically be at fault in an auto accident if you are the only driver involved; you were the driver who was not obeying the speed limit; if you were the driver who was not using safe driving rules; if you were breaking a law; if you were impaired. The most common cause for automatically being at fault is driving too close to the car ahead of you for the speed you are going and driving over the speed limit. None of these conditions are 100% automatically your fault but very close to that, especially if others involved in the accident were not doing any of the above.

Is an unlicensed driver automatically at fault in an auto accident in Washington state?

No. Just the fact of being unlicensed does not mean that the driver did something that caused the accident. Being unlicensed is what is called a non-moving violation. Another violation of this type may be not having a current registration tag on the vehicle. Just because you don't have a tag on your car doesn't automatically make you at fault for someone hitting your car. Fault for the accident will have to be determined by the police officers after they investigate the scene and take statements from witnesses. The person who is driving without a drivers license will get a ticket for not being licensed and then whoever was at fault will receive a violation for whatever they did to cause the accident.

If you are in an automobile accident in Mass and the other driver has revoked insurance and leaves the scene are you automatically not at fault?

No, if you were negligent, and 'at fault' you still are, however, if they leave the scene doesn't sound like you will have to fix their vehicle, but you could still have a 'chargeable' accident on your policy.

Is a drunk driver always at fault in an accident?

No, but if involved in an accident, even when not at fault, the drunk driver would still be guilty of, and could be charged with, DUI.

Who is at fault if an underage driver wrecks a car and no other car is involved in the accident?

If there is no other vehicle involved in the accident, then the only person who can be at fault is the underage driver.

Is a driver with no insurance at fault in an accident?

He may be at fault for not having insurance. He may or may not be at fault for the accident. Whether or not a driver carries insurance is a separate issue than the one concerning who is at fault in an accident. Do not confuse them or let them overlap. A good, objective assessor won't.

Who is liable in washington state if an insured licensed driver hits an insured vehicle with an unlicensed driver?

The at fault driver always has the primary liability for the damages they cause in an accident. (The guy who rams the other guy).

Who do you sue in a three car accident?

the driver at fault

Uninsured driver not at fault in accident in Texas?


Is it automatically your fault in an accident if you drive with a suspended license?

Yes, because you

What happens when there is an auto accident and neither driver is at fault?

each contributes 50% to liability or fault.