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Q: Uninsured driver not at fault in accident in Texas?
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If both drivers in an accident are uninsured does it matter who was at fault?

Even if a driver was uninsured, the driver who was at fault is responsible for paying for repairs. Not having insurance does not take away responsibility.

If you had an accident that was your fault you have uninsured motorist coverage the other driver was uninsured do you have to pay all the costs?

The at fault driver is responsible regardless of who has or does not have insurance. You were at fault, you get the bill. Fortunately though you have insurance. So they get the bill.

You own an uninsured vehicle that was borrowed by a driver with out insurance in Florida she got into a no fault accident and the car was totaled. what is your recourse?

Its your fault

What happens if the driver who is not at fault for an accident does not have insurance in California?

Typically, the uninsured driver will be cited for it, and your insurance co. is liable for the damages.

What happens if you are driving an uninsured car and you get into an accident and it was not your fault?

The at-fault driver's insurance will pay for all property and bodily injury damages.

Can a uninsured and unlicensed driver sue you for an accident?

Yes. It is the responsibility of the at-fault party to pay for the damage caused in an accident, regardless of the license or insurance status of the not at-fault party.

If in an at fault accident and you have no insurance and there is no injurys to either party and no police come and make a report what should the uninsured driver expect in California or any state?

The uninsured driver, assuming they are at fault, can expect to be pursued civilly by either the other driver's insurance company or the other driver. The uninsured motorist can be sued for damages and any other expenses incurred as a result of the accident, including court costs.

Can an insurance company representing a driver who wasn't at fault in an accident go after the lien-holder of the vehicle that was driven by an uninsured driver who was at fault?

Yes. See an attorney, before they sue you.

What happens if an uninsured unlicensed driver is driving your uninsured car and has an accident?

Bad things, will mostly likely get a few citation from police. If he is found to be at fault he could be liable for the damage.

Average spinal fusion settlement?

The settlement would depend on the situation. If it is from a auto accident the settlement would depend on the limits of the at fault driver of the limit on the under of uninsured limits of the non fault driver.

Whose fault is it if an uninsured driver slides down a snowy unplowed driveway into the illegally parked car of the homeowner?

The fact that the car was illegally parked doesn't matter. The driver of the moving car was responsible to adjust their driving to the road conditions, and to ensure it was safe to proceed. This accident will be the fault of the uninsured driver.

In California What happens to an uninsured driver who is not at fault in a car accident?

They are at fault, even if that fault is shared jointly. That car is not supposed to be on the roadway, period. Therefore, it's assumed the accident would not have happened if that car hadn't been there. The driver will be cited for driving without insurance, and the car will be impounded.