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Bad things, will mostly likely get a few citation from police. If he is found to be At Fault he could be liable for the damage.

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Q: What happens if an uninsured unlicensed driver is driving your uninsured car and has an accident?
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What happens when an unlicensed driver causes an accident?

they get in jail for not having a licence and driving.

What happens to the owner of a car that gets into an accident with someone else driving there uninsured car?

They will have to take the uninsured driver to court. Or if you have uninsured driver policy with your insurance, they will pay it.

What happens if an uninsured unlicensed driver is driving your insured car and has an accident?

If you have Auto liability Insurance and you gave this person perrmission to drive, The Insurer will probably have to pay the bill for the accident. The company will then probably have to promptly cancel your insurance coverage for allowing an unsinsured unlicensed driver to operate your vehicle. Your next Auto Insurance Policy premium will take into account your claims history and charge accordingly.

What happens if you are in an accident with an unlicensed driver?

Most cases you get jailed if the accident is severe. If its not too much you get a ticket for driving without licensed driver. Depends on country to country though

What happens if you are driving an uninsured car and you get into an accident and it was not your fault?

The at-fault driver's insurance will pay for all property and bodily injury damages.

In California what happens if an uninsured unlicensed driver is driving your insured car and has an accident and the other driver is licensed and insured is at fault?

the insurance of the owners car would have to be liable. basically, your not gonna get sh*t cus driving with no license or insurance automatically makes you at fault--regardless of who really in all actuality was. DONT DRIVE WITH NO INSURANCE.

Will insurance cover my car damage if I loaned my car to an unlicensed and uninsured driver?

My insurance canceled uninsured person hits someone in rear what happens to me

What happens if an uninsured and unlicensed person has an auto accident in the state of California?

The person will never be able to get a California d/licenes. He or She is responsible for all damages and more likely spend time in a correctional facility.

What happens if your unlicensed son causes an accident?

You could be held responsible for any and all damages.

What happens if someone has an accident in an uninsured car that is not theirs?

The uninsured part would mean that the person or persons responsible would have to pay for it. If they have an accident in someone elses car they will probably be questioned in court.

What happens if an uninsured person has an auto accident?

As you failed to tke a insurance, you will have to pay from your pocket entirely.

What happens when you have a car accident with a driver that has no vehicle insurance?

I hope you had insurance for this. The uninsured motorist will probably be broke