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the insurance of the owners car would have to be liable. basically, your not gonna get sh*t cus driving with no license or insurance automatically makes you At Fault--regardless of who really in all actuality was. DONT DRIVE WITH NO INSURANCE.

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Q: In California what happens if an uninsured unlicensed driver is driving your insured car and has an accident and the other driver is licensed and insured is at fault?
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What if you are a licensed minor driving your parents uninsured car and get into an accident where you were at fault should the judgment be placed on the minor or the parents?

You should get in trouble because you caused the accident.

What happens if you are in an accident with an unlicensed driver?

Most cases you get jailed if the accident is severe. If its not too much you get a ticket for driving without licensed driver. Depends on country to country though

What happens if an uninsured and unlicensed person has an auto accident?

Liability of Uninsured Drivers in the USA.The at fault driver is always the primary person liable for damages from any accident they cause whether licensed, insured or not. Licensed status does not negate liability. In the U.S. both the at fault driver and the registered vehicle owner can be held financially liable. If no nsurance is avalable, you owe personally for all the damages and may have some fines to pay as well.Happy MotoringWrong Answer for USA, Perhaps valid in some other countriesIf an unlicensed driver is involved in a automobile accident, they are, by default, responsible due to the fact that they are not legally operating a vehicle. Their presence on the road is considered the first in the chain of events that lead to the accident. AnswerDepending on how serious injuries were, if any, this type of crime carries about the same weight as Driving while intoxicated. You will probably do jail time and if you ever get licensed will need an SR-22 slip often. AnswerWould you please provide me with the supporting legislation, rule or other that substantiates this. My son was involved in an accident with an unlicensed driver and the State of NJ Department of Insurance and Banking had no idea what I was talking about when I mentioned David Adam's answer which read, "If an unlicensed driver is involved in a automobile accident, they are, by default, responsible due to the fact that they are not legally operating a vehicle. There presence on the road is considered the first in the chain of events that lead to the accident."

What does unlicensed mean?

Someone who is not licensed.

Can a uninsured licensed driver drive a insured drivers car?

The rules and laws of insurance vary from state to state but generally speaking it is the automobile that is insured not the driver. So if your friend allows you to drive her insured car and you are involved in an accident you are covered under her policy(((IF her insurance policy does not stipulate restrictions banning unlicensed drivers from operating the vehicle))) in which case her insurance may not cover damages done to her vehicle or injuries to the unlicensed driver.

Can an unlicensed uninsured person be on the title to a car without raising the premium?

yes , just because they are not licensed or insured does not mean they cannot be an owner/ jt owner of a vehicle , however if they are an operator they obviously must be licensed and should be insured.the former not being a valid reason to raise your premiums since they are not a licensed operator

Can a unlicensed rider operate a jet ski with a licensed rider on the back?

No, an unlicensed rider can not operate a jet ski even with a licensed rider on the back.

Is it true or false that A licensed professional can employ an unlicensed agent to perform professional actions?

A licensed professional can employ an unlicensed agent to perform professional actions.

Uninsured licensed driver uses my insured car. has an accident are they covered?

It is important to understand the insurance policy that is purchased on a drivers car. The only way that an uninsured driver is covered in an insured car is id the owner of the car has that in their policy.

What happens if an unlicensed driver is driving insured car and has accident and not at fault?

You must be licensed to drive, or have a permit and a licensed driver with you. Otherwise, there are legal consequences for that driver. The insurance company may not pay for any damages depending on the policy.

How do you report an unlicenesed daycare?

Daycare can be unlicensed or licensed.

What if an unlicensed uninsured driver got into a car accident?

they would be hurt physically, financially and legally! Bad..... very bad! Driver: Jail, Fine, Inability to get a driver's licensed for a number of years, Lawsuit, Potential loss of personal property. Car owner: Lawsuit, Loss of vehicle. Potential loss of personal property. If just a question..... don't do it. If dealing with this...... get a lawyer.