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Yes, and your spouse will end up with an at-fault accident on their record. The collision deductible will apply to the damage on the car that your spouse was driving and there will not be a deductible for the damage to the parked car. Maybe. Check with your agent, but some policies specifically exempt damage caused by another vehicle on the same policy. It prevents people with two junkers from having driveway "accidents" where both vehicles are totaled but no one is hurt. Of course, they can still drive both cars into a brick wall.

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Q: If your spouse hits your car and you are on the same policy will insurance cover the accident?
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What happens when you have insurance at the time of an accident and then it gets cancelled does the insurance still cover the accident?

Yes it does. The cancellation of an insurance policy is not retroactive.

Would insurance cover the accident if you were in an accident but were not on the insurance policy but you had your own vehicle and insurance on it?

If the car that was involved, in an acident was insured yea!

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Your question does not have sufficient information to give an answer. What type of "Accident Insurance" policy are you talking about?

Does insurance cover a minor driving after curfew if they are in an accident?

Yes. If they are on your policy they HAVE to cover it. Hope this Helps!

Can anybody dirve my vehicle without being on my insurance policy?

Yes, if they have insurance and get into an accident, then their insurance will cover them. If they do not have insurance, then your insurance will cover them but your premiums may go up.

What happens if the damages in an accident exceed the insurance coverage of the person at fault?

You need a life insurance policy to cover the risk of death and a health insurance policy as a cushion against hospitalisation expenses. Buy Personal Accident Insurance Coverage :

If your 17 year old does not live with you and drives your car do you have to add him to the policy?

If you want him to have insurance cover in the event of an accident you should add him to your policy. Any body that is not on your insurance policy should NOT drive your car, if they have an accident you'll have big problems.

Do you have to live with your parents in order to use their insurance coverage in an accident i had an accident with rental car my parents insurance would cover?

You don't have to live there as long as you are listed on the policy.

What is liability coverage on auto insurance?

This means that if the accident was your fault, your insurance will pay(up to an amount that is on your policy) for the other property and persons involved in the accident. Liability insurance does NOT cover your vehicle damage.

Will insurance cover the car i hit if im not on policy?

It depends on the state, policy, and company. Some will if you were an authorized driver of the vehicle and you had an accident.

Get into an accident without a license will your insurance cover it?

If you are covered by an "Active" auto insurance policy then you will be covered, whether or not you have an active drivers license.

If your spouse was not listed on your policy and had an accident in your vehicle that has full coverage does your policy cover repairs on it?

Your auto insurance automatically covers all family members that live in the household. However, by not listing your spouse as a driver you have not disclosed all the licensed drivers in the household, which is one of the questions on the application. Since the premiums you have paid did not reflect all the correct information, the insurance company may back charge you premium for not having him/her on the policy.