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If you are covered by an "Active" auto insurance policy then you will be covered, whether or not you have an active drivers license.

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Q: Get into an accident without a license will your insurance cover it?
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Will auto insurance cover you in an accident if you do not have a drivers license?


How does the insurance cover after a hit and run accident if i don't't have the license plate number?

Sometimes a deductible will cover a hit and run accident if the driver does not have the license plate number. More often than not, they will not cover the accident because there is no proof of the accident.

What happens if I'm driving my friends car and i get into an accident but my license is suspended will her insurance cover the damage?

It all depends on her insurance cover

What would happen if a friend lets you borrow his insured car and you get into an accident but you do not own a car or have insurance?

I believe most insurances will cover the damages if the car is insured and you have a license, but if you do not have a license the insurance will not cover anything you are both liable. Your friend is liable for loning you the car without a license and you are liable for driving it.

Will my insurance go up if someone is driving my car without a license?

They wouldn't know someone was driving your car without a license so it would go up. However, if they have a wreck in your car the insurance company will most likely not cover the accident because the person didn't have a license.

Will your insurance cover an accident if you were driving with a revoked license?

NO! Driving on a revoked license is deliberat act, providing that you knew you are not supposed to drive.

Can anybody dirve my vehicle without being on my insurance policy?

Yes, if they have insurance and get into an accident, then their insurance will cover them. If they do not have insurance, then your insurance will cover them but your premiums may go up.

What happens if i have insurance for a full license but i only have a provisional license and have had an accident?

The driver does not have proper insurance at this point. since the insurance did not cover provisional licenses, the insurance provider mask likely does not have to pay out on any claim.

Will insurance cover accident with suspended license?

Probably not. I am certain that somewhere in your policy there's a clause stating that you can not drive while your license is suspended.

If someone hits you and it is their fault will their insurance cover your damage if your license is suspended?

Yes. The fact that your license is suspended is NOT considered a contributing circumstance to an accident.

Can you claim to an auto insurance if you had a minor car accident but you don't have a driver's license but your car insurance its on your dad's name?

Driving without a license is a crime. If you report that you where driving your dad's care without a license, you could get yourself into trouble, and put your dad's rates though the roof. Do not call the insurance company and tell them you where driving unlicensed. If you have your permit, and where driving legally with a licensed driver, and you had an accident in your dad's car, yes, you can report it and his insurance may cover it if he has that type of policy. If anything, your dad could report that he had the accident, though that would be dishonest.

What happens if you get into an accident but only have a license but no insurance but the other person doesnt have a license or insurance Whos at fault?

Who has insurance and who has license, is a non factor in determining liability for the accident. The person who is at fault will be based upon the police report and who caused the accident. You have no insurance, and have left yourself wide open to a judgment against you that could cost you plenty. You chose to drive without insurance, and in doing so you will be require to accept responsibility for your actions. You do not even have uninsured motorist insurance to cover your damage even if the other driver is at fault and cannot pay. You were not insured, and will now pay for that mistake.