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They wouldn't know someone was driving your car without a license so it would go up. However, if they have a wreck in your car the insurance company will most likely not cover the accident because the person didn't have a license.

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Q: Will my insurance go up if someone is driving my car without a license?
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Related questions

What happens if you do not have a license and wreck someone else's car?

You will be charged with property damage and driving without a license and most likely driving without insurance. Not good.

Can your license be suspended for someone else driving your car without insurance?

I think it depends on your car insurance policy.

If someone was driving a car without a license and had an accident can you still get your car fixed?

depends on the insurance company

What are the consequences of driving without a valid UK licence?

You can be convicted for number of faults if you are driving without a driving license. For example you can also be convicted for not having insurance. Because driving without valid driving license invalidates your insurance also.

What happens if you hit someone who is driving without a license but has car insurance and tries to charge you for medical?

Your insurance should cover the person you hit. In about six months the unlicensed driver WILL get a letter in the mail from DMV saying they ARE in trouble for driving without a license. Usually, the punishment is a years suspended license and a fine.

Where can you purchase insurance without a drivers license?

If you have no drivers license then you have no business driving a vehicle, therfore you do not need insurance.

Can you get car insurance with permit?

Yes. You can even get insurance without a license. However, if you get into an accident and you're found driving alone on a permit, or you're found driving without a license, it will void your policy.

Driving without insurance and provisional license?

you cant because it is not legal

What happens when you get hit by a person without license but the car has insurance?

If you have car insurance ,police will never stop you even if you dont have driving license.

Can you ride with someone who has a license without your own license?

Yes as long as you aren't driving.

Can you lose your drivers license for driving in Pennsylvania with a suspended registration?

Your driver's license will not be suspended in Pennsylvania if you have a suspended registration. A driver's license can be suspended for driving without insurance or if you get a DUI.

Can someone get insurance on a car if he does not have a license in the United States but has one from another country?

Yes. You can get insurance on a car without having a license at all. However, you can't legally drive the car without having a valid license. As far as driving with a license from another country, I don't know what our laws are on that, but you should have no trouble getting the car insured.