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Well, good sir, first of all, I'd like to say, like a good British gentleman, "Good afternooon, Sir." Secondly, I'd like to say that this is an uncnessacary question. Want to know why? It depends on what type of car you have, what you do with it, etc. etc. Just go to and answer a barrage of questions to get your "Free Rate Quote!" However, if you enter your telephone number, you'll get thousands of calls from telemarketers with no life.

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Q: How much does auto insurance with Geico cost?
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How much is the most affordable Geico auto insurance plan?

The most affordable insurance plan through Geico auto insurance would be that of liability insurance, however, State laws may require some higher from of insurance. Check individual state laws to ensure you are properly insured.

How much does renter's insurance cost through the Geico insurance company?

Geico offers renter's insurance for as low as 12$ a month. More specific quotes based on your location are available on Geico's website by entering your zip code.

What major auto insurance companies are there in the US?

Here is some of the major providers. There is Geico, Progressive , Farmers and much more.

How does Geico insurance compare to other company insurances?

Geico insurance is very competitive in the auto insurance field especially. Much less expensive that companies like Farmers, Sate farm, Allstate etc. Their customer service is great and their ads can't be beat.

How much does it cost for auto insurance and in phoenix Arizona?

Call around your local auto insurance companies or do a search online...

How much did auto insurance cost in 1981?

In the year 1981, I paid $150 dollars a year for auto liability insurance.

Does The General offer affordable auto insurance?

Yes, The General offers affordable auto insurance. Compared to companies such as Geico and Progressive, The General's rates are much lower. If you are thinking of switching, you'd be making a wise decision.

What is the average cost of auto insurance in AZ?

The average cost of auto insurance depends on a lot of factors. Your age, driving record, location, type of car, and whether or not you have a garage or alarm, all play a factor in how much your auto insurance will cost.

How much does hazard insurance usually cost at Geico?

Buying homeowners insurance is a tricky proposition for some. Buying this kind of hazard insurance from Geico varies based on the level of coverage and how comprehensive it will be. The range is typically between $55 to 95 per month.

What are some competing brands for Geico?

Geico of course is an auto insurance company and so there is much competition and some of the first ones which come to mind are: state farm, all state, nationwide, progressive, etc.

How can one get a car insurance in Ottawa?

Canadian auto insurance is pretty much the same as in the USA. Most major insurance companies will insure vehicles there. Allstate, State Farm, Geico, Progressive to name a few.