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Car 2 is liabile for the first collision and must pay for Car 1's damages and injuries. Car 3 is At Fault for hitting Car 2 and for the rear end damage to Car 2. This is because each vehicle is responsible for maintaining a safe distance between them and the vehicle in front of them in order to allow them to stop safely.

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Q: Who is at fault on a multiple rear-end collision car 1 is a stop then rear-ended by car 2 claim that car 3 hits then ran off?
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What is a collision claim?

A claim that you make on your own insurance for repairs due to a collision.

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One can file an insurance claim for a rear end collision by going to one's insurance carrier's collision center, and filling out the necessary paperwork as they take a look at your vehicle.

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If you exchanged insurance and have a valid claim plus evidence of said claim, then yes you could.

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Yes, if you have collision insurance. It would be a collision claim and you would have to pay what your collision deductible is. If your car caused damage to someone else's vehicle or property, you would also be liable for the damages.

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Of course you need to cooperate. Any time an Insurance co. has a claim, they have to investigate it and determine who's liable. Cooperating is in your best interest. Tha fact the you and the other driver are insured by the same company has nothing to do with the claim itself.

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No. This would be a collision claim because all roll-overs no matter the cause are collision claims.

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Yes you can as long as you have collision coverage and this will be considered an "at fault" accident.

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No, that would be a collision, and would be covered under the collision portion of the policy, and the collision deductible would apply. Collisions are also considered a chargeable claim for rating and insurability purposes.

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You call your insurance company and file a collision claim. You pay your collision deductible and they will set up repairs for your vehicle.

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Yes, they can. The fact that they have no insurance and the Police were not called has no bearing. If they do decide to claim for any injuries, your insurance company will scrutinize it, but not necessarily deny it.