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Yes you can as long as you have collision coverage and this will be considered an "At Fault" accident.

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Q: If you hit a curb and your car is damaged can you claim insurance?
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Can you sell your vehicle with an insurance claim pending?

Selling your car with insurance claim pending, will simply null and void your insurance claim. Because your damaged car can be subjected to inspection by the Assessor of the Insurance Co. for assessment of the insurance claim any time.

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When will your insurance company pay for your collision claim?

If your Motor Car policy covers First Party and your car gets damaged by a collision, the insurance co. will pay for that. Whereas when there is Third Party coverage in your policy and a third party's car gets damaged by your car, the third party's claim will be borne by the insurance co.

If the other persons car is damaged do you have to file a claim?

No, they will file a claim with their insurance company and their company will talk to your company. Assuming you swapped insurance details.

Why are my insurance agents refusing to handle my claim when I that the car had been stolen by a family member and the police were involved?

It is reasonable to expect that if you know who stole your car, and the police are involved, your car is probably going to be returned to you, so it is premature to file an insurance claim. If the car is returned in a damaged condition, you may then have a claim.

Your car was damaged by debris on the motorway can you make a claim?

my car was damaged by debris on the motorway can i make a claim?

Who do I claim from after i accidentally started my car in gear and it smashed into the garage door is it my home insurance or my car insurance there's no damage to my car?

In most States, this will be a homeowner claim. You may be able to imagine that this is a similar type of peril as if an aircraft had crashed into your home... which would also be covered under your home policy - assuming your homeowner's policy form does not exclude that sort of coverage. Since its your home that is now damaged, this is where Id start my claim. Your car is not damaged therefore it needs no claim for damages, although your car insurance's property damage may cover this as well. Id call and check with your insurance companies on this.

How much can i claim for my damaged apt due to car crash?

You can claim whatever you want. You'll get what the insurance adjuster gets you to agree to. You'll get nothing if the driver was indigent.

Recently your car taken by your close relative and in his hand car damaged for accident and you had no driving license can you get claim?

This would depend on your insurance coverage or weather you are willing to sue him.

Is neighbors damaged car covered by my homeowners insurance?

it depends upon how the car was damaged

I crashed my car into a curb my car was the only thing damaged i was not seriously hurt in Salem Oregon my car was totaled but nothing and no one was hurt do i have to report to cops and insurrance?

You would not have to report this to the police as long as there was no property damage. However, if you have collision insurance and want to collect on the policy you must report it to your insurance company.

How can I claim my insurance if your car dies?

Call the insurance company.