As in any law suit. You are allowed to sue for the amount of your losses, including damages and injuries.
If you ran then you need no insurance. If you got hit and the other guy got caught...sue him.
Did you locate the culprit? How much uninsured motorist insurance did you have? You have to find someone to sue.
Yes, if the hit-and-run driver is eventually known, if you suffered personal injury, you may sue for damages over and above what your insuror will pay you for. If it only resulted inproperty damage to your car, usually it is your insurance company who will handle it.
If all you have is liability, you will have to pay for your repairs yourself. If the hit & run driver is caught, you will probably have to sue to get reimbursed.
if you submit a claim through what they consider proper procedure, assuming you have coverage according to your policy, and they deny your claim, then yes. you can sue for actual damages. depends on tort vs limited tort in your policy if you can sue for pain and suffering. they should pay for it as long as your policy covers hit and run and you don't have a cap.
Any amount you want. Doesn't mean you will get it.
nothing you just got hit with a tow truck you'dd be in shock
usually about 200$
If you were the victim of a hit and run then your insurance rates shouldn't change. If you were doing the hit and run then you should expect to get cancelled.
Well, it really depends who was driving the semi, if they want to sue you, or who your lawyer is.
If you caused the crash, you can't sue anybody and win. You will obviously lose- you caused the accident. If you were hit by the car and were doing everything right, then sue the person who hit you.
the insurance company!