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1. for a car/truck, you can either purchase a full pair, or the circle ones that stick on your car window. not only does it help for use of a blind spot (mostly with trucks) but its the state laws now to have them on your mirrors if your back window on your car is tinted 25% and under. they say its so you can see 1/4 of the car that's driving behind you.

2. A make up case that has two sided mirrors

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What is the name of side mirrors is used in a car?

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You can reduce your vehicle's blind spot by?

adjusting your rear view and side mirrors properly Edit: Or Installing large side mirrors

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Yes is does matter if you have no side mirrors on your jeep wrangler. It illegal to not have side mirrors on a vehicle that you drive on the road.

What are some examples of convex mirrors?

Magnifying mirrors, side mirrors on cars and trucks, certain securuty mirrors.

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Convex mirrors are typically used on the side mirrors of vehicles. These mirrors are curved outwards, allowing for a wider field of view to help drivers see vehicles approaching from the side.

Outside rear-view mirrors on automobiles are generally?

Called side mirrors. Drivers side mirror/passenger side mirror.

How are mirrors used in cars?

they are windows and winscreen and the revision mirror and the side mirrors

What chemical is used on the back side of mirrors?

The chemical used on the back side of mirrors is usually silver nitrate or aluminum.