

Who do you sue if you get hit by a car?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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βˆ™ 15y ago

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the insurance company!

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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Q: Who do you sue if you get hit by a car?
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Who should you sue in a car accident?

If you caused the crash, you can't sue anybody and win. You will obviously lose- you caused the accident. If you were hit by the car and were doing everything right, then sue the person who hit you.

If you hit a parked unregistered car can you sue their insurance?

Sure you can sue anyone for anything. The question is will you win. Let's get this straight. You hit a parked car, and you want to sue the owner of that car's insurance company. And your reason is that the car was not registered. Well if the car was not registered then how did they have insurance? What does the fact as to weather the car was registered or not have to do with the accident? You hit a parked car and that means you were at fault. But you go right ahead and sue. See where that gets you.

What can i do if the owner of a insured car hit my car but the driver is not covered?

Sue him if he hit your car and cant cover it. That is his fault for hitting you.

Can you sue a person who hit you for the loss of car value?


Can you sue if your car gets hit by another car?

if the person didn't mean to no sorry

What will happen if i hit another car and i dont have any car insurance?

They will sue the owner of the vehicle.

How much can you sue for if you were hit by car as pedestrian?

Any amount you want. Doesn't mean you will get it.

Can you sue somebody who hit your car and was found guilty of hitting your car but you got hurt and the jury said it wasent' from the accident?


If an uninsured car hits your car and causes damage what happens to you?

You are stuck with the bill. You can sue the person who hit you if you know who they are and if they are really who they are. Good luck

You hit someone walking with your car and had no insurance but now you do?

If you did not have an active policy when you hit the person then you are not covered. The pedestrian can sue you for personal injury and it will come out of your pocket.

If person you hit in car accident has already been paid by their auto insurance co. can the insurance co sue you?

They can

If your vehicle was hit by an uninsured vehicle that was impounded after the accident but later repossessed from the pound by the leinholder can you sue the leinholder?

You could try but I doubt you would prevail. What liability do you think the leinholder has in the accident? You need to sue the driver of the car that hit you.