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Sue him if he hit your car and cant cover it. That is his fault for hitting you.

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Q: What can i do if the owner of a insured car hit my car but the driver is not covered?
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If you do not have insurance but the car is insured are you okay to drive it if you are not the primary driver?

Insurance follows the car, not the driver. As long as the car is insured and you have permission from the owner to drive it, you are covered.

Uninsured licensed driver uses my insured car. has an accident are they covered?

It is important to understand the insurance policy that is purchased on a drivers car. The only way that an uninsured driver is covered in an insured car is id the owner of the car has that in their policy.

If an insured driver with permission from an insured car's owner gets into an accident will the driver or the owner be responsible for payments?

the owner of the car with insurance will be responsible

Who pays when the driver is not the owner and hit a car and doesn't have insurance?

If a driver is not an owner of the car and he also doesn't have insurance of his own and unfortunately hits a car, in such a case if a car is already insured by the owner, he will be covered against the third-party damages. But if a car is not insured, the owner is liable here to pay the damages that third-party oo another car had faced.

Uninsured driver driving insured car is he covered?

If a person is driving a car and he/she is uninsured but the vehicle in which he is driving is registered and insured to another individual, the registered owner is liable for the damages to the other pwesond's vehicle.

Is a insured driver covered while driving someone else's Insured car?

Depends on what state you're in.

Do you need a car to be an insured driver?

Not one of your own-generally you are insured by the owner's policy if you are using someone else's car (with permission)

Is an uninsured driver that is driving an insured car covered if he gets in an accident?

Yes, he should be. Most insurance companies insure the CAR and ask how many and ages of the drivers in the household to determine a rate. If you didn't steal the car, and had permission of the owner you should be insured.

If you are drivng another persons car with permission and have no insurance but the car you are driving is insured will the car insurance pay to get the car fixed since you were at fault?

This is different from policy to policy. You need to check the owner's policy to see what is covered. If the owner didn't pay for such coverage, then the damage is not covered. Provided the owner is paying for comprehensive and collision coverage the damage will will be covered, subject to a deductible, as long as the driver is not excluded from coverage.

Will an uninsured licensed driver be ticketed when driving an insured car in an accident?

Yes. If the driver is not an insured, the uninsured driver can be ticketed even if the car itself is insured. In many U.S. states they will also impound the vehicle when it is found being driven by an uninsured driver. It is the responsibility of the vehicle owner to insure that anyone you let drive has appropriate coverage. Unfortunate there is a lot of misinformation out there from laymen that erroneously informs people that anyone who drives the car is insured. This is simply not true. Your will have to see your policy definitions for a covered driver or contact your insurance agent for clarification of when a driver is considered covered under your the terms of your auto insurance policy.

Would I be insured to drive a car with owners permission?

The owner's insurance covers the car and usually whomever is driving it. Many people drive cars that belong to someone else. If you are a licensed driver, you'll be covered.

What is covered if an insured driver gets into an accident in an uninsured car?

This would require more information to answer.