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Yes. If the driver is not an insured, the uninsured driver can be ticketed even if the car itself is insured.

In many U.S. states they will also impound the vehicle when it is found being driven by an uninsured driver. It is the responsibility of the vehicle owner to insure that anyone you let drive has appropriate coverage.

Unfortunate there is a lot of misinformation out there from laymen that erroneously informs people that anyone who drives the car is insured. This is simply not true.

Your will have to see your policy definitions for a covered driver or contact your insurance agent for clarification of when a driver is considered covered under your the terms of your auto insurance policy.

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Q: Will an uninsured licensed driver be ticketed when driving an insured car in an accident?
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Will an uninsured Texas licensed driver be ticketed when driving an insured car in an accident?

Yes, If you are not an insured under the definitions and terms of the owners insurance policy then you "can" be ticketed. Whether you will be ticketed depends on whether the attending officer checks his computer to see if you are in fact an insured driver or not.

What if you are a licensed minor driving your parents uninsured car and get into an accident where you were at fault should the judgment be placed on the minor or the parents?

You should get in trouble because you caused the accident.

What happens to the owner of a car that gets into an accident with someone else driving there uninsured car?

They will have to take the uninsured driver to court. Or if you have uninsured driver policy with your insurance, they will pay it.

Can you drive uninsured with a insured licensed driver in the passenger seat?

No, if the other person is driving the uninsured vehicle, then that person is still covered by their own policy. But, if you AND the vehicle are uninsured, then it doesn't matter who's in the passenger seat.

If an uninsured driver with just a learner's permit is involved in a fatal car accident can the uninsured driver's parent's insurance be filed against?

Dependant upon WHOM the learner was insured with, who's vehicle he/she was driving, and the legalities such as "was there a licensed driver in the car at the time of accident"? all these things play a role. Contact a lawyer or your broker for a definite answer, but yes, in some instances, the parents can be liable.

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Is it a crime to drive uninsured and leaving a scene of an accidnet?

In nearly all states, each of those is a separate crime. 1) Driving uninsured. 2) Leaving the scene of an accident.

What happens if an uninsured unlicensed driver is driving your uninsured car and has an accident?

Bad things, will mostly likely get a few citation from police. If he is found to be at fault he could be liable for the damage.

If a 15 year old unlicensed minor learning to drive with an uninsured adult has an accident who is liable the parents of the minor or the uninsured driving instructor?

The owner of the vehicle is usually held liable.

If an insured driver was driving your uninsured car would their insurance cover an accident?

Only if the driver was responsible and only for his liability

An insured driver is unknowingly driving an uninsured car and has an accident The owner of the uninsured car is injured Who pays for the uninsured owners injuries?

this is tricky, dependant on the state are driving an uninsured vehicle, you have insurance on another vehicle of your own, you get into an accident that is your fault...the owner of the vehicle is a passenger in the car and is injured...your policy should step in and cover this uninsured vehicle (assuming you have collision coverage on your policy) you chose to drive, (doesn't matter you didn't know it was uninsured) and if your neglience resulted in this passengers injuries your policy will likely pay for their injury subject to any exclusion in the policy.....sorry.....

What would happen if you got caught driving under age and with no license and with people in the car?

You will be given a ticket just like a licensed person. The passengers will not be ticketed or prosecuted.