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Take the cap off the radiator and open the petcock on the bottom of the radiator.

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Q: How do you drain the coolant from 2003 Jeep?
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Where is the drain hose heater jeep?

The heater uses the engine coolant to heat the vehicle. The radiator has a drain petcock along the bottom edge to drain the coolant system.

Where is coolant drain on 2003 grand am?

The coolant drain on a 2003 Pontiac Grand Am is located on the bottom of the radiator on the right side. It allows coolant to be quickly removed during maintenance and flushes.

Where is the engine coolant drain plug on a 2.5L Jeep Wrangler?

Bottom of radiator.

What kind of antifreeze do i use in my 2003 Jeep Liberty sport?

A 2003 Jeep Liberty uses red, hoat, five year coolant.

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Remove the lower radiator hose.

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How do you drain and fill radiator coolant in jeep liberty sport?

The radiator drain plug should be located on the bottom of the radiator on the passenger side. Open that, let the old coolant flow into a drain pan, replace the drain plug once the coolant is out and the radiator is flushed, then fill it up through the radiator cap.

How do you drain coolant gmc 2003 envoy?

there isn't a radiator drain plug. you have to remove the lower radiator hose from the radiator to do a drain and fill.

How do you drain a 2003 Jeep Cherokee fuel tank?

Since there is no drain plug in the gas tank, you will need an alternate method to drain the gas from a 2003 Jeep Cherokee. You will need to drain the tank by putting a hose into the fuel rail and allowing the gas to flow into an approved gasoline storage container.

How do you replace the coolant on a 2003 duramax?

remove pass side inner fenderwell. On the radiator you will see a drain. Loosen that and coolant will pour out. reinstall drain plug and top off with coolant approximatly 4 gallons.

Is the oil drain plug on a 2003 Jeep Liberty reverse thread?

Most likely.

What type of coolant is used for a 2003 jeep Rubicon?

The Mopar coolant is red, five year, hoat type. Zerex sells it as GO5.