beacause the smart car are smart this page has alot of advice when coming to buying and owning a smart car. It includes the pros and cons of having a tiny smart car.
Smart Car is a car brand. They make modern, compact cars.
I heard from a friend the batteries for a smart car were 3000.00.....Which leads me believe your not too smart if you buy a smart car....lmao
Do you mean where on a car is a block heater install or who do you take the car to to install?
who much doese a smart car whigh? The awnser is, The Smart Car weighs 1,600 pounds.
The "Smart Car" is a trade mark of Mercedes. Fiat makes a car that is about the same size but it can not be called a "Smart".
smart car roadster roof will not oper
A Smart car can have an internal combustion engine. An electric car is....electric
installed means to put in. I installed a heater in my car. I put in a heater in my car.
All the parts assembled togethercreate a Smart car.
a Smart Car has 40-70 horsepower