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A 16-year-old is not legally able to contract with the insurance company unless he has been emancipated. Which leaves him to work with his parents or another adult to acquire the insurance.

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Q: Can a 16 year old driver get his own auto insurance policy or must he be on his parents policy if he lives in the home with them?
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Your adult daughter has auto insurance and is gifting you her car you have a car and insurance She lives with you Do you have to put her on your insurance policy?

As long as she has her own policy on her own, it would not affect your insurance in the sense of premium or the need to have her insured on your policy. However, most auto insurance company want to have her listed as a driver in the household since she lives with you. The policy actually follow the vehicle and not the driver. If she was to drive this vehicle and get into an accident, your policy would be the primary and her policy would be secondary.

Who is responsible for a accidents costs the owner of the car or driver?

the accident is cover by insurance if the driver did not have insurance but the owner dose then it should cover for uninsured motorist if the driver was not a excluded driver of the vehicle a excluded driver is like a relative that lives the the policy holder but is not on the policy as a driver

Can you lose your insurance if you allow a unlicensed driver to drive your car?

Yes. Read your policy. If you allow a driver who is not licensed to drive your policy and an accident occurs the insurance company may deny coverage for the claim. You should not loan your car to other people because you are also loaning them your insurance and you may not have the authority to do this. If the person is a regular driver or lives in your household then they must be listed on your policy as a driver.

If YOU live in a different state can you still be on my parents insurance?

my son is on my auto insurance policy but he has moved to florida and I live in Michigan. Can he still be covered on my auto policy if he now lives in florida?

Can a minor in the state of Florida have their own auto insurance policies or do they have to be placed on their parents' insurance?

In the state of Florida a minor cannot have an auto insurance policy unless a parent signs for it. Usually if said minor lives with their parents they are usually just put on their parent's policy

Does insurance cover a permitted driver?

You need to read your policy carefully and talk with your agent. A permitted driver is usually covered. However, if the driver lives with you and you don't have them listed, they are not covered. If they are a regular driver and are not listed, they are not covered. If they have a suspended or revoked license, or if they have no license, you are not covered. It is best not to allow others to drive your car under any circumstances. If they have an accident, it is on your insurance, and the company will add them to your policy even if they cover them.

Is your son in law who lives with you covered for an auto accident injury to him by someone else?

Perhaps. Do you have him listed on the policy as required as a driver. If he lives in your household your policy probably requires you to have him listed as a driver or excluded.

Is uninsured driver covered if lives in the house with a insured driver?

Only if you added this person to your policy, otherwise he/she is not covered. Usually, the insurance agent will ask if there is anyone living in your household that would be driving your vehicle. At that point you can add this person to your policy or sign a waiver stating he/she will not be using your vehicle.

Whose name does car insurance have to be in?

The auto policy needs to be in the name of the person who owns the vehicle with few exceptions. The exceptions deal with a family situation who live in the same household. Vehicles titled to a husband or wife can be insured on a policy in the others name if they are legally married. Also children such as a 19 year old child who owns a car can have it insured on his parents policy if he still lives in the household and is listed as a driver on the policy.

What can you do if your son who lives with you totaled your car but your claim was denied becaus he is not on your policy?

The first question is why was he not listed as a driver if he lives with you? If you can explain that to the insurance company, they should honor the claim. They may back charge you premium that you would have paid had he been on the policy. All drivers in the household, especially licensed youthfuls need to be listed on the policy.

Do you have to add a licensed family member to auto insurance policy?

You usually have the obligation to list all household residents and regular drivers on your insurance policy. If we are talking about your Grandparents who live in another state and never drive your can then no. If it is your sister who lives with you and borrows your car occasionally then yes she must be listed as a driver.

Is a passenger in my car covered if hit by an uninsured driver in another car?

Depends if your passenger lives in your household. If they are not, most likely they will have to file a medical only claim on their own insurance policy.