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Yes. Read your policy. If you allow a driver who is not licensed to drive your policy and an accident occurs the insurance company may deny coverage for the claim. You should not loan your car to other people because you are also loaning them your insurance and you may not have the authority to do this. If the person is a regular driver or lives in your household then they must be listed on your policy as a driver.

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Q: Can you lose your insurance if you allow a unlicensed driver to drive your car?
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Can an unlicensed driver get insurance on a vehicle registered to them?

Why not. That unlicensed vehicle owner could be disabled and hired a licensed driver to drive the vehicle.

Mother let her unlicensed daughter drive daughter caused a wreck does insurance have to cover?

They may not if there is a clause in the insurance agreement that the insurance will not be paid out in the event that an unlicensed driver is in control

What happens if someone unlicsensed but a cosigner drives my car?

It's illegal to drive without a driver's license, so if they get caught, they could be arrested. Your insurance may not cover the car if you allow an unlicensed driver to drive it, so if there's an accident, you will probably have to pay for it. Basically, don't let an unlicensed driver drive your car, even if they are the co-signer.

Is your car covered if an uninsured and unlicensed driver drives it?

If they stole it, probably. If you were stupid enough to allow an unlicensed driver to drive your car, it's probably NOT covered under your comprehensive; it may or may not have liability. You should contact your insurance agent for a definitive answer.AnswerYou said an "uninsured driver". So,, If this unlicensed driver is not considered an insured driver under the terms of your Auto Insurance Policy then no, there will no coverage. Additionally if you allowed an unlicensed driver to drive your vehicle and an accident ensued, Your Insurance company may cancel your policy due to negligence on your part if they get wind of the matter.As stated above by the previous contributor, You should contact your insurance agent for assistance in determining who is considered insured under the terms of your policy. If you purchased Direct without an insurance agent, then you have no advocate, your just left up to the mercy of whomever answers the 800 number.

What are some cheap car insurance places for a 18 year old unlicensed driver?

You cannot get car insurance if you do not have a license because you cannot legally drive.

How much is the fine for letting a unlicense driver drive your car in New Jersey from a insurance company?

Insurance companies do not fine anyone for any reason. However, if you allow a person who does not have a license drive your vehicle it is most likely a violation of the terms of your insurance policy which is a legally binding contract. In the contract you most likely have agree to report any drivers to the insurance company and not to allow anyone who is unlicensed to drive your vehicle. By violating the terms of the contract the company will most likely not cover any damages caused while the vehicle is being operated by unlicensed driver. This will void the policy completely. Why would you want to do this for any reason?

If unlicensed minor is given keys to parents car and finds themselves too drunk to drive causing equally unlicensed minor to drive and get into accident who bears liability for all damages?

The parents of the first child. Insurance will not cover this because a policy holder has a duty not to let unlicensed driver have their vehicle, whether a minor or not. The first parents are responsible because they knowingly let their child drive without a license and their kid let an unlicensed drunk driver drive their vehicle.

Can a uninsured licensed driver drive a insured drivers car?

The rules and laws of insurance vary from state to state but generally speaking it is the automobile that is insured not the driver. So if your friend allows you to drive her insured car and you are involved in an accident you are covered under her policy(((IF her insurance policy does not stipulate restrictions banning unlicensed drivers from operating the vehicle))) in which case her insurance may not cover damages done to her vehicle or injuries to the unlicensed driver.

If an unlicensed driver has an accident driving your car?

Any damage would not be covered by your insurance company especially if you gave them permission to drive it. Now if it was stolen....but you probably wouldn't want to say that, might get your unlicensed driver a criminal record. To add to that, if you say it was stolen and it is not and you don't roll over on the unlicensed driver, you will be investigate for insurance fraud and if they catch you, you will be denied on the claim and could possibly face criminal charges yourself.

Licensed driver willfully allows unlicensed driver to drive?

Both are held liable.

What happens if an uninsured unlicensed driver is driving your insured car and has an accident?

If you have Auto liability Insurance and you gave this person perrmission to drive, The Insurer will probably have to pay the bill for the accident. The company will then probably have to promptly cancel your insurance coverage for allowing an unsinsured unlicensed driver to operate your vehicle. Your next Auto Insurance Policy premium will take into account your claims history and charge accordingly.

What happens if an unlicensed driver is driving insured car and has accident and not at fault?

You must be licensed to drive, or have a permit and a licensed driver with you. Otherwise, there are legal consequences for that driver. The insurance company may not pay for any damages depending on the policy.