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The parents of the first child. Insurance will not cover this because a policy holder has a duty not to let unlicensed driver have their vehicle, whether a minor or not. The first parents are responsible because they knowingly let their child drive without a license and their kid let an unlicensed drunk driver drive their vehicle.

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Q: If unlicensed minor is given keys to parents car and finds themselves too drunk to drive causing equally unlicensed minor to drive and get into accident who bears liability for all damages?
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Does liability coverage cover the person driving and causing the accident?

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Penalties for running a red light and causing an accident can vary by location, but typically include fines, points on your driving record, increased insurance rates, and potential civil liability for damages. In some cases, it may also result in criminal charges depending on the severity of the accident and any resulting injuries or fatalities.

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Most laws are to punish you for driving while not licensed, not specifically for causing accident. That would be a separate issue.

Liability insurance protects you against?

Damaging someones property or causing injury or death.

If in a two-car accident one runs a stop sign causing the other to hit a house would the insurance of the one that caused the accident be liable or the one that damaged the house?

The person who hit the house would have to pay for the damage but that person can go back to the person who hit him causing the accident in the first place. It would work the same way as a three car accident.

Who is responsible for an accident when car is not insured?

Whether the car is insured is not important, the point is who was at fault in causing the accident, it could be the person whose car is insured that is at fault.

Carry Proper Auto Insurance In Illinois?

Accidents involving motor vehicles can be severe, causing injuries to the driver and passengers. The resulting vehicle damage can cost many thousands of dollars to repair. The payment for these injuries and property damages is the responsibility of the individual that causes the accident. Responding police will determine why the accident occurred and who is at fault. In Illinois, liability insurance is required to legally operate a motor vehicle. This coverage takes care of medical expenses and the cost to repair a vehicle or replace property that is rendered worthless.Driving Without Liability InsuranceThis is against state law in Illinois, punishable by a large fine and a possible suspension of the offender's driver license. If an uninsured motorist causes a road accident involving injuries and property damage to innocent victims, he or she may have to cover the costs of all medical bills. Repair of the innocent party's vehicle would also have to paid for by the person causing the accident. Liability in a vehicle accident is not limited to other cars and passengers. Striking a pedestrian is also an accident that would be covered by liability insurance.Uninsured motorist protection is required in Illinois. This is to protect innocent motorists should they be involved in an accident caused by someone not carrying the mandated liability coverage. When purchasing this insurance, motorists are encouraged to consider what happens if the UM they include in the policy does not cover the entire cost of medical bills and property damage. In such a case the victim could sue the uninsured for damages, but it is unlikely the suit would end favorably for the innocent party. This is why most insurance experts recommend taking out UM protection in an amount equal to or greater than the state minimum liability insurance requirement.Minimum Insurance Amounts In IllinoisIllinois law requires all drivers to carry at least $20,000 in liability protection to cover the medical costs related to bodily injury suffered by a non-fault party. Twice this amount must be carried to cover the cost of all non-fault injuries per accident. An additional $15,000 must be included in the policy to cover the cost of vehicle or other property damage sustained by the innocent party.When shopping for insurance, Illinois residents will have the minimum liability and UM protection automatically figured into the quotes given by insurance agent or online comparison site. Quite often the total premium paid per month increases only about 10-15 percent when the amount of liability insurance coverage is doubled, something all Illinois residents should consider.