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my son is on my auto insurance policy but he has moved to Florida and I live in Michigan. Can he still be covered on my auto policy if he now lives in florida?

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Q: If YOU live in a different state can you still be on my parents insurance?
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If i buy a car can i still be on my parents insurance?

Ask your insurance company. It is likely that you parents will need to be the owners.

Do you have to live at home to be on your parents car insurance policy?

Most likely no, but still check your specific policy and the rules in the state you live in.

How old can a child be and stay on parents health insurance?

It depends, I am 20 and still on my parents insurance, But i am also a full time student. I also have to say that I am still living in my parents home.

Can you buy car insurance in California and still be covered in a different state?

With all of the major companies, Yes.

Where can a college student apply for car insurance?

State Farm offers young driver and student car insurance providing low rates and discounts. In several states college students are actually still covered by their parents insurance polices but if a student isn't covered by their parents or wishes to get their own they can get a quote and apply online at State Farm.

If you are uninsured can you still sue the insurance of the insured that was at fault?

No according to the law (which may be different from state to state) The uninsured motorist is always at fault

Can you be an out of state driver and still be under your parents auto policy?

Insurance is overseen by individual states. If your parents have your car insured in Michigan and you are now living in another state with your car, say California, you will need to get a California auto policy, and drop the Michigan one.

Married at 16 does parents insurance still cover?

Once you're married, you're legally considered an emancipated adult and would not be covered by your parents' insurance. You would be covered by your spouse's insurance.

Are you still covered under parents car insurance once married?

If you are still listed on their policy, yes.

How does one determine what state an auto insurance policy was written for or under?

Look at your bill. If it shows your address in the state that you currently reside in, then that will tell you what state you are insured in. You can still drive to whatever state you want and still be covered. If you move to another state then you must get a new insurance policy in that state. It is illegal to have insurance in another state and not live in it.

How can my mom insure a car still in my name?

i am giving my parents a car i am still paying for the car can they get insurance without me

Do you have to have a vehicle in your name to get car insurance?

you have to have a car for getting a car insurance No, you can be driving your parents car & be on their policy, therefore you are still insured