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State Farm offers young driver and student car insurance providing low rates and discounts. In several states college students are actually still covered by their parents insurance polices but if a student isn't covered by their parents or wishes to get their own they can get a quote and apply online at State Farm.

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Q: Where can a college student apply for car insurance?
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Where to Find inexpensive car insurance for college student?

Inexpensive car insurance for a college student can be found by having the student's insurance on the parent's policy. Some states allow for the parent to have a college student on their insurance until they graduate.

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What is the price of car insurance for a student driver?

The price for insurance for a college differs. It would depend on the car as well or mainly.

What companies offer cheap car insurance for a student?

Both Geico and AllState offers cheap car insurance for students. State Farm and Nationwide also sells cheap and affordable car insurance prices for college students.

Can a college student buy and register a car in the state where she is attending college and still remain on the parent's policy from another state?

Yes, The insurance of a vehicle has no bearing on where the car is purchase or register.

Is there a student car insurance that has low rates?

You can go to to find cheap student car insurance rate.

Which school have classic car insurance programs?

Almost any college should offer a classic car insurance course, however the type of job you have can determine whether or not you will be able to apply for it.

Where can one apply for Quinn Direct car insurance?

One can apply for Quinn Direct car insurance on their main website. One can also apply for car insurance from Quinn Direct at their office location in Enniskillen.

Where can students apply for car insurance in Calgary?

There are a few insurance companies that allow students to apply for car insurance in Calgary. One can apply online with 'Kanetix', 'Alberta Motor Association' and '1 Up Insurance'.

Should my student who attends college in NY, but main resident is in Texas, be required to buy car insurance NY?

No. You need to buy auto insurance in the state in which you're legally resident.

What companies offer the best college car insurance?

The best college car insurance is offered by companies such as State Farm and All State. You can get more information about college car insurance policies at their respective websites.

Where can one apply for a Citi student credit card?

The Citi student credit card is a car designed to help college students build their credit while they are in school. In order to apply for the credit card, one must visit the Citi website.