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Perhaps. Do you have him listed on the policy as required as a driver. If he lives in your household your policy probably requires you to have him listed as a driver or excluded.

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Q: Is your son in law who lives with you covered for an auto accident injury to him by someone else?
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You need to read your policy carefully and talk with your agent. A permitted driver is usually covered. However, if the driver lives with you and you don't have them listed, they are not covered. If they are a regular driver and are not listed, they are not covered. If they have a suspended or revoked license, or if they have no license, you are not covered. It is best not to allow others to drive your car under any circumstances. If they have an accident, it is on your insurance, and the company will add them to your policy even if they cover them.

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As the registered owner of a vehicle with insurance what happens if your son is involved in an accident with your vehicle if he lives with his mother and is listed on her policy?

I am an Insurance Broker - dependant upon where you live, your son's accident will be covered, either by your policy (considering you have adequate coverage, or his mother's, considering her coverage) Here in Canada, no-fault allows our own insurer to cover the vehicle, no matter the driver.

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it can injury one. and ruin there life

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If your daughter who lives with you is licensed and uses your insured car and gets into an accident will she be insured in PhiladelphiaPa?

Yes if she is not specifically excluded from the policy (you would have had to complete a form akin to the 'named driver exclusion'). The insurance follows the vehicle and anyone driving it with your permission, as long as they are not excluded, is covered.