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Contact your agent or policy services dept for your carrier, they will be able to advise you.

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Q: If my boyfriend was driving my car with his learners permit but I have PLBD insurance on my car would he be covered if we were in an accident?
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Do you have auto insurance if you are on someone else's insurance policy?

Answer If you have Auto Insurance and it's on your parents Insurance Plan then yes you have Insurance, but if you are on a friends Insurance Plan, I don't think you'd be covered in an accident unless that person is your girlfriend, boyfriend.

If your daughter is not a resident of your household but is named on your insurance how involved ar you if she drives her boyfriend's car?

I'm not sure I understand the question. If her boyfriend has insurance, then she is covered under his policy as long as she had permission to drive his car. As far as your liability if she has an accident, it all depends on the extent of the accident and if a law auit is filed for more than her boyfriend's policy limit. Then there could be potential to attack your insurance policy which names her as a driver.

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Do you need insurance to get a learners permit?

No, the teeager is covered by the parent or whoever sign for them to get the permit.

If someone is driving your car and you do not have them on your insurance and they get into accident are you covered?

Although it depends on your insurance, the driver is covered if driving with your permission.

If your husband has his own insurance for his vehicle and you exclude him the insurance on your car will he be covered by his insurance if he was driving your car and had an accident?

You have to list the drivers covered to drive your car on the policy. If not he is not covered.

If your boyfriend wrecks your car is he covered?

Whether or not someone is covered under your insurance policy in the event of an accident should be outlined in your individual policy. Insurance coverages also vary from state to state and the type of limitations on the individual policy could also be a deciding factor on if someone was covered while driving.

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Who gets paid in car accident?

Everybody covered by the insurance

Can you get auto insurance with a learners permit in Texas?

It is best to wait til you have your drivers license, I would check with your agent but you should be covered with the learners permit.

Does one need to be covered under the parents' insurance when one just got her or his learners permit?

It depends on the insurance companies rules.

If you have an accident and then reinstate your insurance are you covered?

If the accident occurred after your policy lapsed and before reinstatement, no, it won't.