Whether or not someone is covered under your insurance policy in the event of an accident should be outlined in your individual policy. Insurance coverages also vary from state to state and the type of limitations on the individual policy could also be a deciding factor on if someone was covered while driving.
You can get comprehensive insurance. These means that you will be covered for wrecks where you are at fault as well as weather damage or freak accidents.
Distracted driving.
it has been proven that 18 year old get in 22% more wrecks that younger teens!!!
only if you have full covrage.if you only have liabilty your screwed unless they had your permisson.it's called auto theft to the insurance co.if you don't press charges,then you get to pay for everything.
Blossom - 1990 Car Wrecks and Marriage 3-17 was released on: USA: 18 January 1993
it can if they find that you lied about your car being stolen.
Generally speaking, the personal auto liability coverage follows the car, not the driver. The driver had your permission which in legal terms, means you agree and accept there may be consequences.
The underaged driver's parents are responsible for the damage to the car.
Yes - but so does men. And pretty much any way you cut it, men are responsible for more wrecks than women.
one that I know of
I think about 100 in the USA a day...