Most fatal car accidents happen on a Saturday.
about 137 each day. DOT numbers says approx. 50,000 a year. So to put it in perspective ,it took us 7 years to lose 50,000 troups in Vietnam. Makes you wonder why we didn't protest car accidents instead of the Vietnam war.
It is estimated that there are nearly 15,000 car accidents every day. Of these, nearly 3,000 people die each day in accidents.
in the united states, about 1200 injury causing wrecks PER DAY due to an avoidable distraction. 20% of those wrecks are due to distraction by cell phone usage, which means 448,000 wrecks due to an avoidable distraction over the course of the year. 89,600 of those wrecks were due to a cell phone; 5,474 deaths last year (2009) due to an avoidable distraction and 995 of those deaths were due to cell phones. These numbers keep rising each year. So this answer will need to be updated continuously.
about 115.
Driving in my car BEEPBEEP Obeying the law sure is neat Hope no one wrecks into me Oh wait a minute Here comes a car It's my lucky day Plenty of time to get out of his way~
Yes they do if you ask how many earthquakes happen each day.
Friday the 14th. not there is no certain
I would say about 20. America alone is probably responsible for about 12% of it. We are just not careful drivers.
24,000 on Saint Patricks Day
About 100 to 1,000