You can definitely exclude your spouse from your auto insurance. They shouldn't be driving if their license is suspended so they don't need insurance.
Well if your child made rates jump due to an accident, you need to change insurance companies and exclude that child from the policy.
Easy, you just buy an auto insurance policy and exclude the other residents from coverage by use of form 515A. Be aware though that if any of these excluded drivers are involved in an accident while operating your vehicle, The accident and any resulting damage will not be covered under a policy from which they are excluded.
Assuming the teen is covered under the policy before she gets pregnant and the plan does not exclude pregnancy for all then yes.
Usually a written request will be sufficient if they are no longer living in the same house and will not be driving the vehicle. You also have the option to exclude a driver from your policy but only do so if you are certain they will never drive the car again. If an excluded driver is involved in an accident your insurance company will deny all coverage.
Probably not unless you have a special Mold and Fungi coverage endorsement that you purchased along with your home insurance policy. Almost all home insurance policies these days exclude coverage for Mold and fungi.
Most policies state that you have to notify them of all household members and drivers of the vehicle. This is something that you have agreed to do in the insurance contract. Many insurance companies will allow you to exclude the person from your insurance policy if they absolutely do not drive the vehicle. When you sign an exclusion you are agreeing that not only does the person never drive your vehicle but also that if this person does drive for any reason there is no coverage under the policy while he is driving. If you get sick and cannot drive but your boyfriend does and has a wreck they pay nothing. In order for a person to be covered they must be listed on the policy and any premium for them must be paid. Doesn't that sound fair. They are covered only if you pay for them to be covered.
It depends on your policy perils and exclusions. Generally home owners policies exclude motorized vehicles. ATVs usually have their own insurance policies if you want to get them covered.
Yes, You can still get auto Insurance on your own.. It is common for people to exclude an unlicensed spouse from from coverage on their Auto insurance Policy. This way you don't get penalized for your spouses driving record.
Can a step parent exclude a biological parent from medical insurance access?
Doubtful. Most policies exclude damage from domestic animals. Consult your policy or with your agent.
Read your policy. If the policy says that anyone driving your car with your permission is an insured, then the company that insures that car pays. Many policies exclude certain drivers, so it is not a one size fits all answer. The insurance for the car will pay, not the driver. Sadly, you are not required to pay anything, but if you are a responsible person, then you will....especially if it was your fault.