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The amount of sleep may vary so much, although most of adults get restored after 5 to 8 hours of sleep.

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Q: How much sleep does an adult need?
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How much sleep does a 22 year old woman need to feel refreshed?

The average adult should be getting 7 to 8 hours sleep regularly for good health.

How much sleep should a man get?

The recommended amount of sleep for the average adult is eight hours.

Can an adult recover from sleep deprivation?

Yes. Just get as much sleep as you need. Your body will fully recover once you have got the right amount of sleep (particularly REM sleep). I suggest you have a weekend where you plan nothing but to sleep as much as you need. I know this sounds a bit ridiculous and too easy to be solving sleep deprivation, but I have studied sleep patterns and disturbances and this is the answer. If this doesn't help which it should, I suggest you see a doctor or find out the underlying problem of your sleep deprivation.

Why is a 4 year old's bedtime at 7?

Because they need alot of sleep. The little they are the more sleep they need. When they grow to being an adult, they pick their own. That is why.

How much sleep should you get every night?

teens need about 9 to 10 hrs per night but adults need at least 8.

How is teen sleep different from adult sleep?

I don't really get what you mean with "teen sleep" and "adult sleep". I guess a better way to explain your question would be "How is sleeping different when you are a teenager and when you're an adult? Right? At least that's what I get. It's only sleep, anyways. Why would you need to know? It's not so different. And you can goggle it if you don't find a good answer here.

How many hours sleep does an adult lady need?

8hrs is recommended for all humans

Why does an adult bounce to go to sleep and cannot sleep at night?

Could be Restless Leg Syndrome (or too much coffee!)

How much sleep does a boy need?

at least 8 hours of sleep

How much sleep does lizards need?

Lizards needs 11hrs of sleep

How much does an adult need?

Twice as much as a child.

How much sleep does an 11 year old really need?

How much sleep does a 11 year old need of sleep Optimally, 8-10 hours is what you should be looking at around 11 years of age.