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Q: How long should a 13 year old sleep each night?
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How long do you sleep on average each night?

you should get on average 8 hours of sleep if you are a growing teenager.

How long should you sleep each night?

Well that depends if you are 12 and under at least 8 hours if youre an adult less if you wish

How long should childern sleep?

Children should get at least 8-9 hours of sleep per night to make sure they have an active And healthy brain for the next day.

How long should a regular person sleep per night?

Generally 8 hours of sleep for an adult. 9-10 for a teenager and 10-12 for a child.

How long shoud a 12 year old sleep?

Kids between the ages of 7-15 should get at least 9-10 hours of sleep per night.

How long do you sleep How long do you think you should sleep?


What does 'get your beauty sleep' mean?

Beauty sleep is an age-old term for a good night's sleep or a very long sleep.

How long does a person sleep?

Sleep TimeRecommended sleep time is eight hours a night, but some sleep more and some less.

How long hamsters sleep?

Hamsters are nocturnal they sleep throughout the day and wake up at night

How long do hamsters sleep after a long play?

It depends really, i would say, if it played at night, it would sleep all day.

How long should you sleep with a electric blanket?

You should never sleep with an eletric blanket.

What is it called when you can not sleep for very long periods at night?

insomnia or stress