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When Rhea had Zeus she realized that she could not let Cronus swallow him too. She went to her mother Gaea who gave her a plan. She would rap a rock in swaddling clothes instead of Zeus that way when she presented baby Zeus to her husband Cronus he would swallow the rock instead of Zeus. Rhea gave Zeus to her mother Gaea who raised him.

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Q: How did rhea stop cronus from eating Zeus?
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Who did Zeus stop from eating her children?

Zeus was a Greek god, and he never ate his children; he is noted for swallowing Metis, mother of Athena as well as Phanes. His father Cronus swallowed all of Zeus's older siblings (Hades, Poseidon, Hestia, Demeter, Hera) before his birth and it was with the help of Metis that Zeus made Cronus spit them out whole.

What is the story of Zeus' birth?

Cronus, was the first God of the Universe and was the only Titan brave and willing enough to follow Gaia(the Earth)'s wishes and kill the evil Uranus (the Sky) who imprisoned the Hecatonchires and the Cyclopes in Tartarus. Cronus married his sister, Rhea and had six children. Because Cronus knew that one of his sons would overthrow him as he overthrew his father, he decided to stop the next generation and eat (swallow) five of his six children (Demeter, Hera, Hades, Hestia, and Poseidon). But Gaia gave Rhea advice on how to keep her sixth son (Zeus). Rhea and gave Cronus a stone (known as the Omphalos Stone) wrapped in swaddling clothes (robes) and tricked him into believing that the stone was his sixth son. Cronus promptly ate the stone. Rhea hid baby Zeus in a cave on Mount Ida, Crete, in secrecy, in fear that Cronus would find out about the trick played on him. [The story on how Zeus thrived is a mystery spread upon different people and stories, see various articles on Zeus and Cronus for details.] As Zeus grew up, he became stronger and gained more friends and allies. When Zeus was fully grown and mighty, Gaia gave him an emetic herb to use on Cronus. Zeus tricked Cronus into thinking that the herb would make him immense and overbearing power, but instead it made Cronus extremely sick. Cronus later threw up the five of his children along with the Omphalos Stone. Zeus had prevailed. Zeus shared land and power among each of his siblings, he made Hades the god of the Underworld, Poseidon the god of the sea, Demeter the god of the harvest, Hestia the goddess of architecture and family, Hera the goddess of marriage and the rights of women. Of course, being Zeus, he kept the best for himself. Zeus chose the right to guard the sky and the heavens, also becoming the second God of the Universe. Zeus also shared power, laws, and rights to those who lived in his land.

How did Poseidon Hades and Zeus defeat Cronus?

Cronus was told by his father Uranus and Mother Earth that one of his own sons would someday over throw him. Cronus then swallowed the first five children that his wife, Rhea, bore him: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon to stop this from happening. He meant to swallow the next child, Zeus, but Rhea tricked him and saved the baby. She substituted a stone wrapped in cloth for the baby and gave in to Cronus. Zeus was raised by nymphs and grew to manhood in secrecy of his father. Eventually, he returned home and became cup-bearer for Cronus. After drinking poison mixed into his drink by Zeus, Cronus vomited up his five children and the stone. This is how Poseidon came to the world. After releasing his brothers, Zeus led a war against Cronus and the other Titans. The war went on for ten years when Zeus, Poseidon & Hades released the Cyclopes from captivity. In gratitude, the Cyclopes gave each of the brothers a weapon. Poseidon received a trident, Zeus a thunderbolt, and Hades a helmet of darkness. They used these gifts to finally defeat Cronus and the rest of the titans. Now that the three brothers were the rulers of all existence they decided to draw lots to determine their domains. Poseidon drew water, Zeus drew the sky, and Hades drew the underworld. And that is how "The Big Three" got their powers.

How did Zeus Poseidon and Hades get their powers?

Cronus was told by his father Uranus and Mother Earth that one of his own sons would someday over throw him. Cronus then swallowed the first five children that his wife, Rhea, bore him: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon to stop this from happening. He meant to swallow the next child, Zeus, but Rhea tricked him and saved the baby. She substituted a stone wrapped in cloth for the baby and gave in to Cronus. Zeus was raised by nymphs and grew to manhood in secrecy of his father. Eventually, he returned home and became cup-bearer for Cronus. After drinking poison mixed into his drink by Zeus, Cronus vomited up his five children and the stone. This is how Poseidon came to the world. After releasing his brothers, Zeus led a war against Cronus and the other Titans. The war went on for ten years when Zeus, Poseidon & Hades released the Cyclopes from captivity. In gratitude, the Cyclopes gave each of the brothers a weapon. Poseidon received a trident, Zeus a thunderbolt, and Hades a helmet of darkness. They used these gifts to finally defeat Cronus and the rest of the titans. Now that the three brothers were the rulers of all existence they decided to draw lots to determine their domains. Poseidon drew water, Zeus drew the sky, and Hades drew the underworld. And that is how "The Big Three" got their powers.

What is the story of Zeus?

Zeus is the king of the gods in Greek mythology. He is the god of the sky, lightning, and thunder. Zeus is known for his power, leadership, and numerous love affairs that often resulted in many children, both mortal and immortal. His symbols include the thunderbolt, eagle, and oak tree.

What is a story with Zeus in it?

Cronus, the first God of the Universe and the only Titan willing and brave enough to follow Gaia (the Earth)'s wishes and kill the evil Uranus (the Sky) who imprisoned the Hecatonchires (the hundred-handed beasts) and the Cyclopes (the one-eyed beasts) in Tartarus, which was an endless pit guarded by a monster named Campe. Cronus married his sister, Rhea and had six children. Because Cronus knew that one of his sons would overthrow him as he overthrew his father, he decided to stop the next generation and eat (swallow) five of his six children (Demeter, Hera, Hades, Hestia, and Poseidon). But Gaia gave Rhea advice on how to keep her sixth son (Zeus). Rhea gave Cronus a stone (known as the Omphalos Stone) wrapped in swaddling clothes (robes) and tricked him into believing that the stone was his sixth son. Cronus promptly ate the stone.Rhea hid baby Zeus in a cave on Mount Ida, Crete, in secrecy, in fear that Cronus would find out about the trick played on him. [The story on how Zeus thrived is a mystery spread upon different people and stories, see various articles on Zeus and Cronus for details.] As Zeus grew up, he became stronger and gained more friends and allies. When Zeus was fully grown and mighty, Gaia gave him an emetic herb to use on Cronus. Zeus tricked Cronus into thinking that the herb would give him immense and overbearing power, but instead it made Cronus extremely sick. Cronus later threw up the five of his children along with the Omphalos Stone. Zeus had prevailed.Zeus shared land and power among each of his siblings, he made Hades the god of the Underworld, Poseidon the god of the sea, Demeter the god of the harvest, Hestia the goddess of architecture and family, Hera the goddess of marriage and the rights of women. Of course, being Zeus, he kept the best for himself. Zeus chose the right to guard the sky and the heavens, also becoming the second God of the Universe. Zeus also shared power, laws, and rights to those who lived in his land.Source(s): Wikipedia, Books, School

How did Zeus come to earth?

In Greek mythology, Zeus did not come down to Earth himself but rather interacted with humans through various forms and disguises. He would often take the form of a mortal or an animal to walk among humans and test their hospitality. Additionally, Zeus had numerous affairs with mortal women, which led to the birth of many demigods.

Rhea Greek goddess I need a report on it thank you?

The Greek goddess Rhea basically started everything for the Olympians when she married her Titan brother Kronos (or Cronos). Rhea gave birth to Demeter, Hades, Hestia, Poseidon, and Zeus. Kronos ate each one in turn and Rhea didn't do anything to stop him until she gave birth to Zeus (who later overthrew his father).

How did zeus kill cronus?

Quick answer: Zeus did not kill Cronos. Cronos, like the other Titans, and all his children, is immortal and cannot be killed. There are varying accounts of Cronos' ultimate fate (usually depending on whether a Greek or a Roman told the story). The oldest accounts say that he was imprisoned in the cave of Nyx, away from the other Titans. Eventually he was released and made the king of Elysium (the place where good people go). Other account (particularly Roman) allude to him being released and living in exile in Latium, where he ruled over a Golden Age under the name "Saturnus". Cronus was told by his father Uranus and Mother Earth that one of his own sons would someday over throw him. Cronus then swallowed the first five children that his wife, Rhea, bore him: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon. To stop this from happening. He meant to swallow the next child, Zeus, but Rhea tricked him and saved the baby. She took a stone wrapped in cloth as Zeus and gave in to Cronus. Zeus then was raised by nymphs and grew to manhood in secrecy of his father. Eventually, he returned home and became cup-bearer for Cronus. After drinking poison mixed into his drink by Zeus, Cronus threw up his five children and the stone. This is how his siblings came to the world. After releasing his brothers and sisters, Zeus led a war against Cronus and the other Titans. The war went on for ten years when Zeus, Poseidon & Hades released the Cyclopes from captivity. In gratitude, the Cyclopes gave each of the brothers a weapon. Poseidon received a trident, Zeus a thunderbolt, and Hades the helmet of darkness. They used these gifts to finally defeat Cronus and the rest of the titans. Now that the three brothers were the rulers of all existence they decided to draw lots to determine their domains. Poseidon rule the water, Zeus rule the sky, and Hades rule the underworld.

Why did Zeus Poseidon and Hades kill their father?

Because he had eaten Poseidon and Hades to stop any of his children from taking his throne.Addition:Since Cronus was divine he could not be killed, but they sent him into the underworld.

What is story of Zeus?

A long time ago,Mother Earth bore 7 children called the titans with her husband Uranus. Mother Earth otherwise known as Gaia had a child named Kronos, Gaia hated Uranus so she stole his weapon and gave it to Kronos in hopes of having her husband overthrown by Kronos. Kronos did what his mother wanted that he got awarded his father's weapon.Later on in the future, Kronos married his sister Rhea.They bore 7 children too called the gods, Hades,Poseidon,Demeter,Hera,Hestia and last but not least Zeus.But later on the evening his wife had children, Kronos heard a prophecy saying that one his children would overthrow them,scared that this would happen,he swallowed all of his children but Rhea became angry and decided to hide Zeus in a cave with a nymph friend of hers to protect the last child.Kronos became suspicious and threatened to ask Rhea where the last child was.So what Rhea did was she took a rock and wrapped it in blankets and mistakenly Kronos ate it releived that he would not be overthrown but Rhea decided to take Zeus out hiding as someone else and not their son. Zeus became the wineservant and he had a plan to bring back his siblings for they had been growing inside Kronos stomach so he gave Kronos a mix of wine and mustard and to Kronos distaste,he vomited up all of Zeus siblings and they were fully grown. Foolishly,Kronos made a war known as the titans vs. gods. Cyclops were Poseidons minions so the cyclops made weapons for the gods. Hades, a helm of darkness,poseidon the trident, and the mos t powerful weapon in the world for zeus, the world's largest lightning bolt. The war had begun.Zeus's siblings took care of all the other titans instead of Kronos. Zeus had striked his lightning bolt and to an instant,Kronos had died and the gods had won.So Zeus and 2 brothers baecame known as the big three but they could not decide who would rule over what so they finally made their decisions according to their weapons hades ruled the underworld poseidon ruled the seas and finally for his bravery zeus was god of the skies and king of the gods.Cronus, the first God of the Universe and the only Titan willing and brave enough to follow Gaia (the Earth)'s wishes and kill the evil Uranus (the Sky) who imprisoned the Hecatonchires (the hundred-handed beasts) and the Cyclopes (the one-eyed beasts) in Tartarus, which was an endless pit guarded by a monster named Campe. Cronus married his sister, Rhea and had six children. Because Cronus knew that one of his sons would overthrow him as he overthrew his father, he decided to stop the next generation and eat (swallow) five of his six children (Demeter, Hera, Hades, Hestia, and Poseidon). But Gaia gave Rhea advice on how to keep her sixth son (Zeus). Rhea gave Cronus a stone (known as the Omphalos Stone) wrapped in swaddling clothes (robes) and tricked him into believing that the stone was his sixth son. Cronus promptly ate the stone.Rhea hid baby Zeus in a cave on Mount Ida, Crete, in secrecy, in fear that Cronus would find out about the trick played on him. [The story on how Zeus thrived is a mystery spread upon different people and stories, see various articles on Zeus and Cronus for details.] As Zeus grew up, he became stronger and gained more friends and allies. When Zeus was fully grown and mighty, Gaia gave him an emetic herb to use on Cronus. Zeus tricked Cronus into thinking that the herb would give him immense and overbearing power, but instead it made Cronus extremely sick. Cronus later threw up the five of his children along with the Omphalos Stone. Zeus had prevailed.Zeus shared land and power among each of his siblings, he made Hades the god of the Underworld, Poseidon the god of the sea, Demeter the god of the harvest, Hestia the goddess of architecture and family, Hera the goddess of marriage and the rights of women. Of course, being Zeus, he kept the best for himself. Zeus chose the right to guard the sky and the heavens, also becoming the second God of the Universe. Zeus also shared power, laws, and rights to those who lived in his land.Source(s): Wikipedia, Books, School

Why is Poseidon so important in Greek mythology?

poseidon was one of the three original greek gods along with hades and Zeus. the three of them were believed to stop the evil titians rule and control the earth Zeus claimed the heavens and created the people while hades got the underworld where the dead went and poseidon was given the seas to control. poseidon is also known as god of the storms, earthquakes and horses. he is represented by the symbols trident, fish dolphin, horse and bull. his parents wre Cronus and Rhea. his children theseus, Triton and polyphemus.