poseidon was one of the three original greek gods along with hades and Zeus. the three of them were believed to stop the evil titians rule and control the earth Zeus claimed the heavens and created the people while hades got the underworld where the dead went and poseidon was given the seas to control. poseidon is also known as god of the storms, earthquakes and horses. he is represented by the symbols trident, fish dolphin, horse and bull. his parents wre Cronus and Rhea. his children theseus, Triton and polyphemus.
Zeus is the chief god in Greek mythology. He is the god of thunder. The "big three" are Poseidon, Hades, and Zeus. Zeus is the chief god so he is also the most powerful god in Greek mythology.
This question is the equivalent of asking "Why is jesus so important in christianity" She is just a part of it
Oh, what a lovely question! Poseidon became a god in Greek mythology because he was one of the children of the Titans, Rhea and Cronus. When the Titans were overthrown by the Olympian gods, Poseidon and his siblings, including Zeus and Hades, became the ruling deities of the Greek pantheon. Just like a beautiful painting coming to life, Poseidon's story is a part of the intricate and fascinating tapestry of Greek mythology.
Medusa was one of three beautiful sisters in Greek mythology. However, she was caught making out with Poseidon in the temple of Athena and was transformed into a gorgon in punishment. As a gorgon, she had scaly skin and snakes for hair. she was so ugly, that anyone who directly looked at her was turned into stone. Her sisters were Stheno and Euryale.
She is so important because she watchs over them. But if you are talking about the greek city, ATHENS, then it is obvious since ATHENS was named after ATHENA. In greek mythology, the wisdom goddess Athena and the sea god Poseidon had a rivalry rooting from who the town (now known as athens) would be named Patron of the new city. Athena and Poseidon agreed to have the people decide by giving the newly born city one gift from each of them. Poseidon gave a salt water spring and Athena gave them an olive tree. Athenas gift was deemed much more useful therefore she won.
Poseidon is a figure from Greek mythology, so you can learn more about him by reading ancient Greek texts like the Iliad and the Odyssey. You can also find information about Poseidon in books about Greek mythology, or by exploring websites dedicated to Greek gods and goddesses.
He was born a god in Greek Mythology, so aspects of nature and divinity were to be expected.
In Greek mythology, Poseidon, the god of the sea, did not go to school as humans do. Gods in Greek mythology are depicted as powerful immortal beings who do not require formal education in the way humans do.
The book/movie? Vastly so. In Greek mythology Poseidon was the main sea god and other sea gods merged into his aspects.
Zeus is the chief god in Greek mythology. He is the god of thunder. The "big three" are Poseidon, Hades, and Zeus. Zeus is the chief god so he is also the most powerful god in Greek mythology.
Well, I'm not sure, but I thought Hera is from the Greek mythology and Poseidon is from the Roman mythology. however, the Romans copied the Greek gods but gave them another name, Poseidon was the new name for Zeus. Zeus was Hera's wife, so I assume she did not hate him. NO
You get the offering in the Greek Mythology Museum. He has a starfish on his face, so click it and go to his palace place.
Well, the Greeks made mythology about the how the earth works so mythology is important because it is Greek history
There is an older god of the sea: Nereus, who was replaced by the Olympian god, Poseidon. So there is no goddess of the sea. Amphitrite is the wife of Poseidon. She is then the sea goddess.
Yes, Poseidon and Neptune are considered to be the same god in Greek and Roman mythology, respectively. They are both gods of the sea, ocean, earthquakes, and horses. The Greek god Poseidon was adopted into Roman mythology as Neptune.
Because he was the main greek god. He controlled the skies basically.
Poseidon is actually the Greek god of the sea, not earthquakes. In Greek mythology, the god associated with earthquakes is Poseidon's brother, Hades, who ruled over the underworld. Poseidon is primarily known for his control over oceans, storms, and horses.