It could be ovulation spotting, a light period or implantation bleeding
spotting and not bleeding.
If your period is one day late and the next day you have light spotting, it could be the beginning of your period. It is quite normal for the first couple of days of your period to be light.
Hormonal birth control changes your menstrual bleeding. It's not unusual to have brown spotting instead of a regular period when you're on birth control.
why am i spotting after my period
Light spotting with cramps but no period means it's time for a home pregnancy test.
what does it mean you start to have a light pink discharge after your period
you have something wrong with the way you have you period
no it will be light pink and not much at a time
Spotting can possibly be a symptom of pregnancy.
I have had my monthly period and that lasted 6 days instead of 7 days and started spotting 2weeks after does this mean Iam pregnant?
Light red period blood is a sign of a period. Spotting may be a sign of an implantation bleed if very minor.