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spotting and not bleeding.

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Q: What is considered a light period?
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When is menopause considered official?

Menopause is considered official when a woman has not had a period for a year. Some women during the start of menopause can spot, skip a couple of months and have a light period or even a heavy period.

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A steady drizzle is a light rain that falls steadily, covering an area with a consistent light rainfall. It is not heavy enough to be considered a downpour but can last for an extended period of time.

You have light spotting instead of a period what is it?

If u have light spotting instead of my period what could it be?

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The golden hour for cinematographers is the dawn and dusk period, when the sun emits its most flattering light on all earthing objects.

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No, paying within the grace period is not considered late.

What time period was considered The Age of Fishes?

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Have a light pink period is that a period?

I guess that could count as a period

What is the difference between a light period and implantation?

As far as I know, a light period is just that...a light period. Implantation bleeding usually occurs a couple days before your period is due, and is just spotting, usually pink-ish or light brown in colour.

Is spotting considered a period?


What time period in Greece is considered as a barren period?

dont no

What period is considered the classical period or era?

1750 to 1820

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