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Light red period blood is a sign of a period. Spotting may be a sign of an implantation bleed if very minor.

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Q: Is light red period blood a sign of pregnancy?
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Cramping after Light Period sign of Pregnancy?

No. Some are heavy and some are light. Sounds normal.

Is a purple cervix a sign of pregnancy before missed period?

i have heard that might be a sign of pregnancy due to the extra blood flow when your pregnancy, you should take a pg test to see

Your period has stopped and you are getting light secretion in your breast?

This could be a sign of pregnancy. You should get a test.

Cerivcal mucous with light blood is a sign of pregnancy?

Yes. Cervical mucous with light blood, also called light spotting, can be a symptom of embryo implantation in the uterus.

Can elongated period be a sign of pregnancy?

no... pregnancy = no period at all... not an elongated one...

Is old blood a sign of your period or does it mean you are pregnant when there is no red blood just old mucus dark blood?

Hi, Old blood is a sign of pregnancy, implantation bleeding, vaginal infection, UTI and left over blood from your period. answer Old blood can be a infection, you can get it after sex, after period left over blood, Implantation bleeding which is the sign of pregnancy. Implanation bleeding doesn't always mean your pregnant . You should go to the doctors and get it checked out its better to be save than sorry. GOOD LUCK! Kat

Could hardness and slight soreness in the stomach be a sign of pregnancy?

No this is not a sign of pregnancy. Typically the first sign of pregnancy will be a missed period.

If symptoms of a UTI are present including white blood cells in urine but no infection is found can this be an early sign of pregnancy?

No. Signs of pregnancy are absent period and positive pregnancy test. White blood cells in urine and painful urination are not signs of pregnancy.

Is cramping before your period a sign of pregnancy or of your period coming soon?

It's a sign of your period coming soon. However, if you miss your period, take a pregnancy test

Is nipple tenderness a sign of your period or early pregnancy?

Nipple tenderness can be a sign of your period or early pregnancy. Take a pregnancy test if you think you're pregnant.

Is it normal to have light period for one day and heavy on the 2nd day but on the 3rd day dark brown discharge is that a sign of pregnancy?

Yes, this can be implatation bleeding (which is when the embryo implants into the uterine wall) is usually spotting like you described and brown blood. I would take a home pregnancy test.

What is the sympton of pregnancy?

First sign of pregnancy would be delayed periods. However, feeling nauseous, sleepy, exhausted, mood swings, and light cramps in lower abdomen could be the symptoms of pregnancy. If your period is late, go for a blood test right away for a final answer! Good luck!