Yes, your uterus is preparing for your pregnancy, slight cramping is ok unless it is accompanied by bleeding
Slight cramps and discomort are very normal at this stage of pregnancy! Severe pain should be checked out immediateley!
There is no discomfort but there may be a slight discharge of the semen
From what I am aware of, no, it is not normal. Kicks in the uterus during pregnancy is. However, you may be referring to hunger kicks or cravings which the stomach naturally gives out a slight beat to. If you are close to birth however, it may be the baby's feet and the baby will be dropped to the lower end of the womb and the feet will be higher so you may very well be feeling the kicks of the unborn. Otherwise, I suggest that you check with your doctor and do a stomach ultrasoound to ensure that you do not have an bacteria or viral infection in the stomach, such as a worm, as this can also cause the feelings in the stomach.
no go see a doctor
The most common causes of slight spotting during pregnancy are implantation bleeding, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, placenta previa, and placental abruption.
This is what you would expect to occur; but there are slight chances to become pregnant even when taking the pill.
Yes it is very normal 4 out of 5 people get cramps in early pregnancy and may have extreme cramps.
Not really. Early pregnancy signs start around 2 weeks after conception. After you have missed your period (late period) you can buy a Home pregnancy test and see whether you are pregnant. They are very accurate.Sore stomach is not a sgn of pregnancy especially if thsi is the only symptoms that you are having.AnswerNo not necessarily. A person could have pulled a muscle or have gas. A woman would notice sore breast, darkening of the areola, slight weight gain, hardening of the stomache in the surroundingarea of the belly button, like after doing sit ups, etc. Go to the library or on line to find all the symptoms to look for or the health department has phamlets, too. --answer--But be careful, the more you read about "pregnancy" the more you will experience THE symptoms on yourself.....even if you are NOT pregnant
Pubic symphysis