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Q: Is cramping and slight bleeding an early sign of pregnancy?
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Do you get a sore stomach when your in early pregnancy?

Yes, your uterus is preparing for your pregnancy, slight cramping is ok unless it is accompanied by bleeding

What common symptoms can you have 4 days after conception?

4 days after conception is very early. It is possible although very slight you could have implantation bleeding and slight cramping.

Am I pregnant quiz?

Many early pregnancy symptoms can appear similar to routine pre-menstrual discomforts. Fatigue. Slight bleeding or cramping. Nausea with or without vomiting. Food aversions or cravings. Headaches. Constipation. Mood swings.

Can one time brown discharge then every day after that with slight cramping and excessive discharge be a sign of very early pregnancy?

no you have gonorreah

Can spotting before your period be a sign of pregnancy?

Yes spotting can be a early sign of pregnancy it is cause from the egg implanting into the uterus causing some slight bleeding.

Is no cramping in early pregnancy normal?


Is cramping in early pregnancy normal?


Is anal cramping during early pregnancy normal?

you body is going through a lot a this time, so if there no bleeding or bad cramping you ok i had that with my son i was 5months or more cause he constantly move around in my stomach

Is it normal for the cramping to stop during early pregnancy?

Yes. Cramping during early pregnancy comes and goes.

For how long is normal to have cramps in early pregnancy?

Unfortunately there are several reasons contributing to cramping during pregnancy. They can be due to gas, constipation, implantation bleeding, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage,vanishing twin syndrome, or pre-term labor.

Does light pink discharge in early pregnancy mean miscarriage?

Hello. No this doesn't mean its a miscarriage hun. Miscarriage bleeding is usually heavy, red and very painful cramping. Its most likely early pregnancy spotting or spotting due to a UTI.

Can you have mild cramping in very early pregnancy?

yes you sure can